November 19, 2023 P.M.

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Well, I did a good job at my job today. I did everything in my checklist and I also was able to work out some frustration That was needed to be let go in the first place. I feel a lot better. I feel like a different person than I did this morning when I had the memoirs of idiot! That being stated, I did everything on the list, and I was very happy. About that I was able to get everything done and well that's about the size of what I have to say. I was going to watch cobra Kai for the rest of the morning, but turned out. It was going to be cobra, Kai training, or Mito training at my job, which would be my cleaning another words. There's a lot of interesting things that go on with cleaning that you don't know will happen. Helps you with your mindset. It helps you with a lot of different things that obviously that things cannot help out with sometimes that you have to do cleaning and a deep clean to do the job done in order to get your mental health back up to snuff or at least for the day , why do I say that because I have basketball coming up on Tuesday and I ain't looking forward to it! Idiots. Particularly one idiot that I'd rather not mention his name for the purpose of privacy but let's just say he hurt me really badly when he said that he'd rather be friends instead of forgiving me I am not A Christian but I do believe in the concept of forgiving other people as well as self. That being it's important to be very forgiving. The fact that he was vengeful about it on the phone was enough for me to puke! But puke no more I was able to get a handle on it when I was finished my job and I was able to get the endorphins running and be able to enjoy the fact that I was just alive!

Since I've been doing that check, I've been noticing a couple of weird things about my body when I am developing a six pack. Which is kind of unusual but it is what it is a six pack sometimes happens and I don't talk about a beer I'm talking about my abdominal muscles have been developing nicely, as well as some of my other muscles have been a wonderful or haven't been aching as much as they should've been. That's very interesting to know, so I'll be ready for the snow when it starts to fly so I can go and start shovelling it the floor making more money! I just need the stuff to get a tattoo which is the siren head glory tattoo that's about it I really don't give a rats about money, except for the fact that if I find something rare, I might have it appraised or appraise it myself either rent that I got for the trivial pursuit Game that I got, which was pretty damn rare! I still can't get over that trivial pursuit game. The fact that it was 150 bucks the fact that it was something my mother and father had easily. I think it may have been passed down to them. And then to me, and then I lost interest in it and then there is again back in my life and I looked at it and it was 150 bucks that rare! The fact that I got that was still a shocker to me, and I still feel like having a heart attack just thinking about the idea that I had found something that valuable not just sentimental, but monetary as well, which is kind of strange! I like Picking which is finding things like these, items. Honestly, I'm still spellbound by the fact that I found trivial pursuit, the original trivial pursuit without any problem or having a fork over 150 bucks at the Rio centre I would use the reuse centre more often than not to get my sh*t! Also, the same thing goes with the thrift store as there is somewhere oddities there that I have never thought of finding like my quarter century club ring that I found I will tell you what this quarter century club is like haven't I'm not a member of it but I just have the ring, which is a very lucky thing!

The century club is a nonprofit organization similar to the organization I work for for my cleaning they'll hook you up with job jobs and stuff instead of with normal people They will hook you up with a business to another business so you can actually make money that is not exactly what I expected, but it was very interesting to find that this was a membership ring! I always wanted the class ring when I was in high school, but could never afford it because my parents were always going on the darn traps. That being said, I was very interested in getting a class ring. Now I have something similar to a classroom a membership ring, which is very interesting, which was just for five bucks. The actual ring itself if I got it at the quarter century club about the same amount of money as my tattoo exactly the same amount my $120 and the pursuit game that I keep tripping over on which is very interesting is the idea that it was 150 bucks. Very interesting indeed and I'm gonna have fun playing with that. Also, a good thing came out last night!

I might be part of a D&D Campaign that's like a board game as well but you go around doing adventures and stuff and it's very interesting. I would like to be able to go and take part to DND campaign! D&d Dungeons and dragons. It's very interesting that game for me. I always wanted to play that game for some long time. That being said it may or may not happen, but it would be very interesting indeed if it does happen. If I do play dungeons and dragons! Lets says that it is A bucket list item that I've been wanting to do for quite some time since I've heard of dungeons and dragons or something about it. That makes me interested in wanting to play it. I don't know why it might be the nerd factor because I am a nerd, In a good way, but it is what it is it's something is something I wanted to try for a long time, wise dungeons and dragons and see if I can like it or not. I've heard so many good things about that game!

I have been trying to get in the board games more and more often. But it's really hard when people are busy or they can't do this at this time one of them being chased the other Chinese trackers is my favourite and then there's been Spaceoloply that I've been meaning to play. But also, I want to play my trivial pursuit and chess as well! Chess is gonna be a little different than space happily or the Chinese checkers or the actual Treville pursuit because this one makes your brain thing. Which is very interesting indeed. So I have to go on YouTube to know how to learn how to play chess but I only go on YouTube when I do my joint account so that being said it's gonna be a little bit of a pain in the,ass ! That being said, I've been very interested in wanting to play more games. If I can help.!

As you can tell the cleaning and then the shower actually helped me feel better about my life. And I was able to wear some of my clothes that I got at the reuse center! I also got a craft load of shoes at the leaves centre as well. That being said, I can't wait to win. It's a decent day out or something when I can go and wear them or something to that effect! I love To wear shoes that are fancy but also practical at the same time but with the advent of winter coming, it's gonna be a little bit hard to do so so they might be more of a summer thing! Unless I can pick out the days coming out of the winter. Like sunny days and stuff! I also got some shoes from my friend, which was very interesting indeed!

Also I am happy to say that I  felt better cleaning! Then if I did not clean!

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