November 29, 2023 A.M.

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I didn't wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning at least today that was a pretty good sign. I slept through most of the night, and my dream was more pleasant than usual. That being said, I was kind of unusual to have a pleasant dream I think that was be a little controversial to dream because of, well it's just the way my brain sings sometimes, but it was a good dream. I know that I was where I stopped a hijacking on an airplane! That being said, that's my favourite of all is to stop the hijacking of an airplane That is basically what I should've been able to do. I was strong enough to do so when I was 12 and I strong enough to do so now is the of these idiots from doing their stupid stunts. Said that was a pretty good dream to have to pumple, the living crap something that was causing not 3000 peoples paying suffering but also my pain suffering as well. They're going to beat the living crap out of them. That being said of them, not a violent person unless I actually am confronted with this situation. Or if someone calls my friends stupid or some other demeaning. Or if someone who is disabled is being called disturbing name and then I will riptide someone in half or if you steal something from me then I kinda lose my cool too! But my dreams have been getting a lot better as far as the nightmares are concerned because of the fact that my ex hasn't been bothering me while his friends have been bothering me a little bit on Facebook before I changed Facebook from whatever I was using to this one. That being said, that wasn't very fun and I have to make a new Facebook Because of your exes friends trying to you to go back into the relationship or convince you that he is about to do something stupid either way I didn't care! That being said, I'm not a psychopath I just don't care about people who wrong me! Who do wrong to me. If you want to be treated the way you wanna be treated. God treat me right too. That's just the way it goes. It's a two-way freaking streat! I think the Christians would've had called a treat others the way you want to be treated, which is very much in any religion. Or philosophy is treat others the way you want to be treated if my ex didn't want to be treated like crap he shouldn't have treated me like crap. It's just that way that he shouldn't of cheated. He shouldn't have done stupid things like hung up on me when I was in the middle of a sentence. That being said the sentence being part of my apology.

He hung up on me in mid sentence or mid apology. I felt very offended and it took me a while to get through that that he was an asshole. That being said, I'm hoping to have a good day yesterday was a good day, but I wish I went to basketball to confront him not, him exactly but his presence on this planet, as it is a demon to me! Demon. Something that is confronting me and not a very good manner. Like a PTSD trigger or any kind of trigger for that matter, he is very triggering, but that being said, I have to go and face him sooner later and accept the fact that he's still on this Planet X for amount of years. I had mentioned that I wanted him gone. But that being said, I can't really say that for a very much because I was kind of angry. And someone told me that I was rude to do. Well what he did was extremely rude and triggering. And I would rather that he not Talking to me at all because I said if you treat me like crap what do you think I'm gonna treat you like! At least something in Catholic school has stuck inside other than reading and writing. That being said, I don't like the idea of being treated like crap when there is just saying about three dollars away you wanna be treated! That being said, I'm trying to move on with my life but it's kind of hard when you have him To deal with and he's acting like the one that he's bleeding when he stabbed me in the back! And by the way, he's been acting like on the phone. It is well in a box cutter. He stabbed me in the back west because I'm telling you I'm really pissed off! Trying to be positive. I'm trying to accept the fact that he still on this planet and that he does have some basic human rights! And that mine are more valid than his at this point because of his barbaric behavior. So that being said, I don't talk to him because I know what's going to happen. Nice big price going to break out not a physical fight just an emotional and verbal fight I don't wanna have one of those. Thank you very much I eat a temper tantrum on my hand and his ear as well! He might not think of it as an inkling that he could've been an asshole, but it might just be the case that he was a bit of an asshole when he hung up on me when I was in the middle of the apology I didn't even get to say the apology. so as I said some things you can't clean with cleaning solution so you may as well just either try to find another way to clean it up like don't talk to the bastard or try not to deal with the actual situation at hand I'd rather not talk to the son of a bitch!

That being said, I will be cleaning today that's why I'm doing the Early entry this morning because I want to go start on my blog today. That being said, I don't know what to say except that I got some DVDs yesterday some of them unfortunately but those were the collectors edition of the Danielle Steel which I wish I could've been the ones but I'm not very good with friends. I'm good with any other language, but friends I am floundering at. I know Dzongkha, Tibetan some Japanese as well as some other languages but this one French I'm not good with. Because well it's something that Baffles the mind in my opinion some people say that English baffles the mind I just say it's a boring language. That being said, I think Friends or is a lot harder to understand than some Asian language. That being said, I'd rather learn some Asian language instead of French or Spanish, and that frustrated with everything in between life and French and Spanish! I called him the tongue tied Languages. They get your tongue tied! Like you have to say unique New York about 1000 times before you understand or say French or Spanish words but that's just my opinion on that some people might say the same thing about English or some of the other languages that I know but I know the fact that the European languages are tongue twisters! That being said, I have nothing against any other language. Because I like learning different languages, but it's just that group of languages is a lot easier for me than it is for most people. Most people can learn Spanish and friends very easy I cannot! So I believe that the Danielle steel Movies will not leave the rappers as well as I have seen a movie on the greatest hits of hockey. That one I am certainly going to watch!

I kind of like I would've said I hockey if it weren't my ex, but I like the entertaining part of hockey, the flights and stuff and seeing people winning and stuff that's pretty fun. That being said, I don't let some idiot who ruined nearly ruined my mental health, and three months Destroy hockey for me. That being said, I would watch a game if I could I just hope that I wouldn't be seated next to the jackass! That Is one sport I wanna watch again I already watched the Ottawa 67. They were pretty good but the Ottawa Senators and that would be a different league in its own! But one problem with the Ottawa Senators is that they cost more than my goddamn tattoos, and I'd prefer my tattoos over the momentary instant satisfaction of watching a hockey game. That being said, I enjoy watching a lot of different sports, except for the most boring of all and then there's some other ones that I don't really like but basketball and hockey are my favourite as well as baseball to watch. But that's about the size of it. I wanted to watch Wrestling match on TV but my father kept saying no it's frigging fake frigging as in the other word I'm not gonna say anymore in this bond, because my father was kind of a potty mouth as well as a fish. He was the biggest fish when I came to alcohol! And when he drank, he was not very nice to be around. So when I said that I wanted to watch a wrestling game, he said that it was fucking fake!

It would've been said by my father at the time. That is effing fake. That being said well said father, well said, I just hope that hell has a special place for you. That being said, I'm still trying to work on my positivity when dealing with certain people in my life they were in my past. I've been told on Facebook, but the best weapon is to forgive someone because then they will not know what hit them. That being said, I'm still trying to grasp the idea of forgiving someone, in order to get on with my life. I have tried it before with a school bully it didn't Turn out as bad, but with these people like my ex, and my father, who wronged me in so many ways, or my brothers and my aunt is kind of hard to do so, so I guess don't give a shit what they think! As it should be!

I know who I am I know what I can feel and what I can't. I can feel emotions feelings and emotional pain. That being said as well as remorse and other things that make up a human being I do not feel physical pain, but that being said, at least I can feel the most important kind of pain to your emotional kind, be remorse or grief. Which is the building blocks of a human being never mind DNA. The idea of being able to feel remorse. And grief is important. When dealing with human emotions as well as just a feel the human emotions and feelings is a blessing that some people do not think it is. It's a lot better than being a psychopath. At least I know who I am!

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