November 19, 2023 Late A.M.

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I actually had my first good dream for a long time. I can't remember what the dream was about. I know there was some martial arts involved! But I may be drawing on my childhood memories I don't know, but it was something that was very interesting indeed was your idea that I was a black belt and I was able to handle myself. That was what the dream was and that I was going to Japan and other places! That being said it was so realistic I thought I was there when I woke up I was in a cold sweat, but it was not from a nightmare. It was from a good dream for once.   I don't know how it does that, but it probably does. This sometimes gives me the perfect dream from time to time so I can sleep through almost half the morning. That being said, I'm kind of annoyed that I had a sleepover half the morning! But last night was not easy for me as you can tell because it was a lot of emotional turmoil. It was a wonderful I had the good dream in the first place! That I was able to have the dream to begin with. It was kind of strange to tell the truth, but it was very interesting to have a good dream for once, and I feel asleep. I was actually enjoying the idea that I was going to be in Japan until I woke up and then I realized that I was still in Canada. That being said, that's not a disappointment either Canada is a good country as well, but I would like to be far away from the guy as possible! That being said, I mentioned to some of my friends that I have broken up with him who haven't been told that I broke up with the idiot! That being said, I'm not gonna harp on that. I have a lot of things I have to do today like I'm gonna be clean and then I'm gonna enjoy the fruits of my labour the endorphins from cleaning so hard!

I have a checklist I have to do for my cleaning now. So I can actually keep on track of the idea of cleaning and then keeping my job. That being said when I was mentioning my friend in my desperate time last night, I was also saying that I might lose my job. Which may or may not be the truth! That being said, after that, I mentioned to the worker that I could not be friends with him even at that because it was too toxic for me and my opinion! I didn't have any more nightmares never mind any kind of intense stream for that matter. yesterday I was able to enjoy the idea of finding a game that I only used to play once or twice when I was a kid and it was actually pretty fun. That being said today I ended up getting a strange friend request only to find out it was a friend from my other app. I just wish people would be able to write where they come from on Facebook. It would be a lot easier than a kick in the butt. But at least I know now and I messaged her. It's just I've had a hard time with people who want certain parts of themselves or the idea that there might be scammers out there. So I had to be very cautious!

The weird thing is is sometimes you find your friends on these friend request from other apps as well that's pretty interesting. I'm very happy to have had a friendship that was gonna last this long. Other than my friend who I do my YouTube with from time to time. That being said, that last night was not very good as I said. But I was able to survive it, and my brain was able to give me A good dream for once I don't know why it must've been something I ate or something, but I had a very good dream. I was happy to have the dream and was able to be recharge. Finally from kind of the stress already did! I am actually happy that I have found an And not a scammer on a penpal app or site! Lately, with penpal So, except for slowly, they have become a Haven of scammers and people who are looking for relationships near of which I really want to deal with. Even if I was sound of mine, I wouldn't wanna deal with toxic relationship because these people just want one thing and one thing only and those are the scammers and the relationship seekers on the penpal so that's why I go on the Slowly app and instead of dealing with crap, other sites and crap I mean ! Some people are a waste of DNA, and I wondered if they really should be on this planet seeing as they asked for certain things or they ask for money which is kind of a waste of time and DNA in my opinion. I don't like the idea of these Romance and the actual money hungry scammer so I only go on the Slowly app for my penpal needs and obviously it had worked! I just wish the person would've put where she was from on Facebook, so I knew who it was from the beginning. That being said, I was pretty happy to have a friend. From another country, other than the United States, no offense! It is kind of interesting to see that there are people that don't think you are mean or they are not trying to be friends with you so they can show that they have someone else in their life. I.e. that guy! That being said, I had mentioned to the worker that I would rather not even be friends with them because it's just too much. And then I don't wanna have to cough up a hairball! That being said, it was kind of sad to say that it was the truth that had to be said.

There are sometimes I wonder if I should continue on with the special Olympics but then I have other friends on there as well, but I just can't risk dealing with the idiot Inquest and dealing with his bull crap. His trying to find someone else and trying to make me look bad or trying to torture me emotionally! That being said, I have to find a way to get tunnel vision I only do what I have to do at the Special Olympics and ignore him! Which is What I don't really wanna do but I have to ignore another human being in order to survive the rest of this year, at least. I'm not very fun ever he was trying to do to my mind the fact that I was going to lose my job the fact that I was going to end up constantly having behaviour was not my idea of a good time. I just couldn't Have another incident like bingo where I was losing my crap over nothing! And being a barbarian about it. That being stated I'd rather just well it is at a price, but I will be going to bingo! Whether I win or not, I don't care, but at least I'm not gonna be uptight about it at least that being said, I'm not very hopeful that I wouldn't bingo because I've heard many people say that they've tried to win bingo and they sucked the fat one! So that makes me feel a little bit better knowing that the actual rest of society cannot win at bingo either let alone try it as well, so it makes me feel a lot better knowing that there's a lot of other people in society that are no different than I am!

It was just a matter of me not freaking out at the first time, but I didn't turn out that way that first time and I freaked out. You can guess why because of the idiot that was in my life! That being said, I had to come clean with my friend last night about the idiot and question that being said, I was not very happy to mention my drastic decision, but I did not go through with that sleepover, took maybe before I could even think about it anymore and I was able to have a good dream. And looks like it may come too if I continue on the right path instead of just feeling sorry for myself about So jackass this gonna hurt me someway! As far as the next time I go into a relationship it'll be online so I can screen them for any screwball like or cheating and then I can actually go about my day without having to worry about anything and then I can meet them in person when the time comes. I just don't wanna fall right in a meeting someone in person and making a commitment and finding out it's a big disappointment to begin with!

Right now I'm just watching cobra Kai and I think I might be Reading the reindeer, twins that I got at the actual reuse centre I haven't had a chance to play trivia for suit yet, but I will try to make some time for that one day. That being said, it's very interesting to play trivia pursuit I know from past experiences as a kid I played that particular game of trivia pursuit and it was pretty interesting and fun. When you actually know how to read and stuff is not actually a bad game! I just like getting the triangles into the right place and then being happy that I had a fun time. Something I should've done with bingo. But did not think about that that could be similar to trivial pursuit! I still remember snatching that from my parents bedroom closet, and I played in a couple of times with my friends when I did have friends. That being stated it was very interesting to play the game. Took a little while to practice to get the hang of it it might have to do the same thing again. But it will be very interesting to play the game on the last. It was something that is a cherish childhood memory that I'd rather, keep with me at all times

In fact, I might even create a tattoo for the game! It turned out when I looked up that addition of the game That I got yesterday turned out it was about $150 on Amazon. Sometimes I use Amazon to appraise things not just to buy stuff for to appraise! In this case, it was very interesting that this is the limited edition, or a very old edition of trivial pursuit, and that I was able to have something rare! That most people don't find this age. Unless they want for over $150. That being said, I'm very happy that I just found it for free! I always wanted to try to play a board game other than Chinese checkers. Because I always find that interesting to find something else other than electronic generated games. As well as if it has a good memory like Chinese trackers or Kerrville pursuit I find that is a lot easier than having to deal with than God of Rome! God of Rome can be very finicky and you don't always get the character that you want at least with trivial pursuit or something you get a colour in your tray and it's very interesting. That being stated I will be getting that out so I can actually get a trivial pursuit tattoo one day on my left inner forearm! That's how much I love the memory behind the game that was.

Right now I am watching cobra Kai, it does it better then coffee, at least I don't have to stay up all night with cobrakai as I did with coffee! Also coffee was also the probable cause of of this sh*t that I am going through but I can only detoxify myself emotionally and try my best to do what is expected of me! And also be happy!this day I have my cleaning! But I will imagine that my body will ache for a while but it's a sign of a good work!

Ps..... I also got some antique books yesterday! :)

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