November 11, 2023 Late P.M.

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This waste of DNA thought I was actually born yesterday thinking that I'd fall for his scam. But I've been here for 34 years on this planet. I've been through everything and everything and I'll tell you this. I've even been through a few scams and I know the red flags of scamming, and one of them is repetitive And asking for money. That being said he was repetitive constantly and I was not gonna give him and I told him to "screw off scammer!" That being said, I have been dealing with these types of idiots, looking for relationships or money neither do I have to offer because of the fact that I have a boyfriend. Also, I am not Interested in giving money to people who don't deserve money! That being said this person was asking for money and obviously was a piece of DNA. That was a waste. I am so angry when I heard that he said, don't ever call me a scammer as if he's telling me What to do! There is a big mistake. If you do not want to be called the cyber bully at the top of being called the stalker or a scammer you would suggest not telling me what to do or what not to do. This would not be a very good idea. As if you're trying to commit suicide. You just telling me what to do just as a cherry on top of the whip cream and the ice cream of your blond. That being said, I am not as stupid as some people might think I am.    I do have an IQ of 196 and I am not born yesterday even if I was born yesterday I know when there is bad energy and bad people around in this case this one I can literally tell on someone is with Sh*thead online! I've dealt with these kind of people and dating as well as trying to get my book out there. I've learned to do it yourself sometimes isn't as bad as I make it seem to be, and I do my own promoting for my books! That being said, I don't like to be told what to do and that is a one-way trip to the morgue. I don't really want to say that or be violent, but telling me what to do when you're not in a position of authority and you're obviously a criminal. Well, you're asking for a punch in the face!

As you can tell, I'm ready to make my cryptid As I am pissed off to know. And I am really pissed off because this d*ck anis he can tell me what to do excuse me for the medical terminology, but you don't go scamming people and don't expect not to be called a scammer and then tell people what the hell to do. That's just basically wrong in my opinion and this guy was a real jerk. I am going to go about this. This is my ramp for the day because I am so mad that someone tried to tell me what to do when they were not in a position of power or the fact that they were a good person! Grow a conscience and grow up power of authority and maybe I might actually give a sh*t.   This is Peter McAllen at its finest, pure Mac alienism meaning that he was actually trying to get me to do something he wanted to do. Because he was practically emasculated by someone who was less than him! I just don't like scammers. I know what they do. I know they opera day and I've been through the whole crap all my life with scammers and false promises and then the next year they're gonna whip out the price tag! After I said, I'm done with being told I'll promote your modelling all promote your book. I'll promote your art for free and then I say how much and they whippping out the The price tag and then I have to barter with them and stuff like that and telling them bite the wind and everything else. This is kind of when I knew there was some energy to this so I knew it was going to involve money and I didn't wanna deal with it. this is not Walmart. I'm not here to shop. I'm here to write. That being said, I don't believe that scammer should be around! And yet t they are! Look for your pocket BM (bowl movement), a pocket BM is money! And I am very protective of my money. I only let it go, and I know the place is legitimate or has been needed to be used for some tattoo parlour i.e. store that would be about it! I need a snack I don't apply but other than that I don't really tell everyone that I have money nor do I want to say that!

I am kind of fed up with the people trying to ruin the Internet. And I am getting wiser by the day because I know exactly what to go to and how they gonna say I don't know how many Facebooks to these p*ssycats! And I find this very aggravating so now I protect all my soul, and I am very interested in having people ask me because that's also a sign of a scammer or conartist If they ask for your social medias, and they're not genuine about it! That being said these d*cks are a pain in my butt as well as my social media!  Which me deal with the sun hum freaks and I will literally being doing life in prison, that is how much I hate scammers and romance scams! That being said it pisses me off that people think that I am poly or bi/pan that they think I can stupid! I am done with scammers! I have even been scammed out of a photo shot! Which burned my ass anger wise! I am so angry that this dimwit denied being a scammer! As was excepted was the bullsh*t denial!

I am one that does not take tolerance towards scam spam, or anything that matter because I've been through this plan for more than 34 years if not more on February. That being said I've been through the ringer plenty of times in my 34 to 35 years in my life and I don't intend on getting into the ringer again this rabbit hole let's just say it is closed and I have another one. I'll cover it up right away because I am not stupid enough to go about finding them. I can literally smell these people a mile away whatever you wanna call them people, humans and walking sh*t! That's basically what I call these people that you NSFW asking you to join their NSFW site as well as asking for your money asking for this asking for that or they say oh you need a down payment on your photo shoot or stupid shit like that and I said this is the end of that And I have very easy to notice. One of these people are gonna be NSFW or if they are actually going to pull my damn money out! Even if I wasn't poor, I would still not give to these people because it's not right to feed and enable these whatever these things are that are on the internet bots, or whatever! I am kinda pissed off!

This being said, I don't like these scammers are just as bad, if not any worse than murderers because they take away his stuff. They'll find a way to get your information and your banking information as well as make you look like an idiot, which is a lot worse than being dead. In my opinion I don't say that being that is the ultimate thing in life but looking like an idiot, being scammed is pretty much worse than death, as I have had many things happen to me with, I'm not gonna mention. They were scammer related, particularly one idiot got into my Spotify and changed all my playlist to anything that sounded like asshole! That stated I was not happy, and I actually reported the dingus to the FBI where they will deal with him. And I think they have dealt with him and then of course he is my twit of an ex who is asking for my passport because of some odd reason the same twit of an act who was going around having his other ex threaten me with a samurai sword, which was not exactly a good birthday present That being said, I don't give shit to anyone if I do penpal I just go on the Slowly app if I want to make friends I go on Facebook or you're not getting my goddamn Facebook and just so you know! But you will get a middle finger from me. That much is true if you're gonna be a pain in my ass and should be in jail in the first place! I only save the middle fingers for the criminals, as well as the people that really should be in jail in the first place, or could be dead in the first place in my opinion, i.e. criminals. Some of them can be rehabilitated. Some of them cannot in the ones that cannot get the middle finger! 100% worse than J. Edgar Hoover when it comes to My morals, and when it comes to my ideas of what constitutes a good person. I don't go around putting people on ride and attack or test, but I can smell a jackass a mile away!

And the people in my group wonder why I curse swear so much all the time because of these idiots! I don't have a conscience or any kind of empathy or anything in their and stuff like that that just make me want to rip their heads off! This was kind of not exactly how I wanted my day, but I will be a Cryptid about that based on my emotions on how I'm feeling right now if I haven't already thrown them out there. I was pretty angry and this person obviously or whatever this monkey was, was obviously an anger management case waiting to As if telling a woman what to do, I'm sorry, even if I'm non-binary I still am woman and you don't tell me what the hell to do!

I can go on and on about this, but I'd rather not that being said, thank you for your f*cking offer now take it and leave!

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