xl. caught

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you wondered if i was crazy. well, now i am. crazy for someone.

- blake


blake was not in the mood to talk to someone when they would approach her because quidditch finals were coming up and they were against gryffindor. they needed to step up their game.

everything and everyone was irritating her no matter if they're harry or luna, they still annoyed her to some point. it was just too much and she wanted to give up but she couldn't because of her peers.

her team was anxious each day until it was practice, apparently, practice was the only time they could focus.

the day came and they lost to a smashing goal from ron whom blake had given the cold shoulder to for weeks. to add to that, owls were approaching and it was killing her.

the pressure each day was excruciating, her mind was restless. hagrid had asked her to come to his shack for some time. she knew he was there.

she realized when she got there, she wasn't the only one he called for. the trio were there as well. she waved at them, ron still looked sad because of his win against her.

she brushed his sad face away and went inside hagrid's shack. "dumbledore sent me to party with the giants," hagrid started as the four sat in front of him.

"giants?" hermione asked. hagrid shushed her. "you found them?" she asked again.

"well, they're not that hard to find to be perfectly honest. they're so big, y'see. i tried to convince them to join the cause, but i wasn't the only one that 'as trying win 'em over."

"death eaters?" ron suggested. "yeah. tryin' to persuade 'em to join you-know-who."

"did they?" harry asked.

"i gave 'em dumbledore's message. 'ppose some of them remember he was friendly to them, i suppose." he sighed, looking down.

the wind blew through, hermione noticed blake kept quiet the entire time, growing worried for the girl. she stayed with her as the boys followed hagrid to the broken window.

hermione moved to sit beside the girl who glanced at her. her gray eyes immediately on hers, she felt her breath hitch due to the tension.

thankfully, her voice had found itself. "you okay?" blake nodded, her eyes still intentively on hers. the granger girl audibly gulped, earning a smile from blake.

"i hate you," hermione crossed her arms. blake chuckled. "i know. it's cute,"


blake grinned. "when you're angry, your nose scrunches up. it's cute," she bopped her nose with her finger.

"lovebirds?" harry asked, grabbing their attention. "yeah, you two. we're going back to school 'cause umbridge is coming, come on." ron giggled at harry's annoyance.

blake stood up, her cheeks red as she went outside.


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