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I had made my rounds around the institute

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I had made my rounds around the institute. I didn't know where he was, but I could feel him. My gut could feel something in the institute not like before. It wasn't my angel magic it was more of a family draw. I couldn't explain it. 

The worst thing is that I've felt this before. For a while now, like I was being watched. I moved toward this draw, pulling one of my blades free. I saw Clary and Sebastian near the entrance. I watched him walk away. Something about him wasn't right. I knew from the moment we met him.

"Jonathan!" I called.

He turned. I threw three blades at him. He dodged them easily. He tried to hit the button to close the emergency doors, but Clary and I slipped through. Clary went to hit him, but he kicked her back. I threw my knife at him, the blade sinking into his shoulder. He groaned as he pulled it free. I reached for my seraph blade, but he grabbed my throat.

"I'll kill you," I gasped. 

While he was focused on choking me to death I reached into his pocket. The mirror touched my hand as he tightened his grip.

"Ten years in Edom, Lynn. Ten years of pain. I learned to endure it. I rather like it," He smiled. I grabbed the mirror my other hand hitting him in the temple. He looked at Clary as she stood up.

"We were trained to endure." I breathed.

"I wanted you," He shook with his words. My face grimaced. "But If I can't have both." He grabbed for another blade, but I stopped him pulling mine free. The metal scraped against one another as he tried to overpower me. "You aren't as strong as before, sissy."

"Clary the doors!" I yelled. He hit my side I threw my leg out catching his arm and knocking the blade free. I shoved mine into his back. "Claire!" I threw the mirror at her. She caught it as he yanked me forward. The doors broke open behind us as he ran outside.

I threw the doors open moving after him. His demonic speed made him fast, but I could keep sight of him. My angelic abilities come in handy. Around a corner, I went for him again, but he lost me. I turned around searching everywhere.

"Ah!" The rage made me feel insane. I wanted to kill him. 

Wait. Wait. His house. I moved quickly going to his apartment. I opened the door and a piercing scream erupted in my head. I groaned and collapsed to the floor my hands going to my head as it pulsed. There was a muffled voice.

"Lynn," Valentine. I pushed myself up the noise making me cry out. It felt like my brain was melting. There was the sword. The soul sword. He reached for me, but I stumbled back into a table.

"My head!" I could barely hear my own voice over the ringing. 

I ran out of the building falling onto the grass as it slowly started to quiet. Valentine was looking at me from the windows. The ringing was still there, but a low hum. The soul sword wasn't destroyed. It wasn't gone. I didn't destroy it. My feet took me back to the institute as I shoved open the doors. The wood cracked as it hit against the wall.

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now