29. Trouble Magnet Indeed

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(Transformers and Trash of the Count are not mine. The picture above is a screenshot.
-comm speech-

Megatron was tense, "How is he?"

Scalpel murmured, "Physically, he is alright."

Ratchet hummed looking at the brain waves, "Mentally however, he seems to be elsewhere."

Raon grouched, "It's that stupid God of Death."

Hong had a dark expression on her face, "I have no doubts it is his work."

Ohn nodded angrily, "It is not the first time either."

Optimus was alarmed but tried to remain calm, "Younglings, are you saying the Gods are holding Samuel with them?"

Raon sighed looking tired, "Yes, most likely. This is how he had ended up before."

Hong nodded, "It was before the war became worse and right before he passed away as Cale Henituse and was reborn here."

Ohn, "I still hate it when this happens."

Megatron froze, "But he is healthy, so he will not die."

Hong hissed, "If they dare I will hit them stupid."

Ohn growled, "As well as loot them and take their place."

Raon, "Or kill them, Sam found out how to do it. It's not easy but it's not impossible."

Ratchet sweat dropped, "Well, I hope it does not come to that."

Bumblebee called their attention, "He is waking up."

Sam opened his eyes, "Haaaaa.... "

Raon climbed on to the berth, "Dad, are you okay?"

Hong, "What did those stupid Gods want?"

Optimus was getting nervous, "Now, now, let's not insult them so openly."

Ohn sulked at him, "We would not insult them if they did not cause trouble for Dad over and over again."

Megatron laughed, "And that is how I know you are Sam's Sparklings."

Sam patted his kid's head, "I have good news and bad news. Could you call Miles in as well?"

Megatron eyed him then nodded, "Very well, but do not move from the berth. We found you unconscious on the floor of our room."

Sam waved, "I am not moving anywhere."

Miles walked in after a while, "Sam, thank sanity, you are okay. What did the Gods want this time?"

Jazz followed his charge slash youngling, "Ummm... How do you know it's the Gods meddling?"

Miles had an annoyed look on his face, "Because only they are capable of putting Sam in a forced sleep aside from his narcolepsy. Not to forget the Vitality of Heart makes Sam immune to basically any poison or medicine."

Optimus, "Yes, you informed us before I almost forgot that fact."

Bumblebee, "Miles is here, so, what are the good and bad news?"

Miles, "Bad news first. It's better to know and put it aside first."

Megatron, "Right. Sam?"

Sam, "Quintessa is heading this way to either destroy or enslave Earth."

Optimus, "Quintessa?"

Sam, "She just like the Fallen was exiled by her siblings. They are Quintess Prime's sparklings but only Quintessa became the way she is."

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