2. Enemy

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"Ahhh!" Tully squealed out jumping up and down hands clasped with Mallory. "You are getting married!"

"Im getting married!" Mallory screamed joyously. They continued to jump in a circle squealing with delight.

"Tully?" Larys questioned confused. "Is everything-"

"Im getting married!" Mallory shouted.

"Congratulations." Larys agreed. "To old man Cole?"

"He is not old." Mallory corrected

"I mean hes not young," tully murmured. Mallory shot her a warning glare. "But hes so handsome!" She added.

"Thats right." Mallory agreed seriously before squealing again. "Im getting married!"

"You are breaking my ear drum." Larys countered heading off.

"Hello Lord Larys." Luke said nervously. He bowed before him. Larys offered him a small smile.

"Prince Lucerys."

"I know you have spoken with my mother."

"I have." Larys agreed.

"But as a man it is my duty and responsibility because I respect your sister so much. I know she cares about you so much as well. And I... it was-" luke chill out he begged himself. It was already set. "I wanted to ask you for her hand in marriage... I prince Lucerys Velaryon would be honored if you, Lord Larys Strong gave me your blessing to marry your amazing and brilliant and beautiful and just over all spectacular human being of a sister, Tallulah Rose Strong... to be my wedded wife." Luke declared. Larys smiled taking lukes hand.

"You treat her well." Larys instructed with a shake of his hand. "And as long as Tully cares for you, you have my blessing. The moment you hurt her-"

"I would never hurt her." Luke corrected feeling larys grip tighten.

"-hurt her and you make an ememy out of me." Larys warned.

"I love her. I love her so much. I will spend my life trying to make her happy." Luke assured.

"Good. Then You have my blessing... if that days comes though-" larys let his hand go. Luke resisted the urge to shake out his sore hand

"It wont. I promise. Tallulah is the one for me. I have known it forever." Luke declared and larys believed him.

"If Tully says no..." larys prompted.

"I would wait forever for her to say yes." Luke assured. Larys nodded satisfied.

"Im getting married! Im getting married!" Mallory sung out. "Im getting married!"

"You are not going to leave me and just focus on your husband right?" Tully questioned.

"No. Never. You and me are for life! Lifers baby!" Mallory assured. "But i will be taking an extended honeymoon."

"As is your right." Tully agreed. "Hey Mal?"


"What if I never want to have sexual relations again?"

"Oh sweetie," mallorys words softened as she sat tully down on the couch.

"Im happy for you and hope ser criston treats you well." Tully assured. "But... luke wants to marry me and I like him but I cant even begin to think about such things yet. Marriage is sacred and the action of becoming one used to be so appealing to me but..." her eyes drifted off.

"Not since he who shall not be named." Mallory agreed. Tully gave a stiff nod as she bit at her lip. "You go as slow or as fast as you want with Luke. Hes just turned 14. He probably wouldnt know where to put it. Besides that boy think the world of you as he should." Mallory assured. "Let me bestow some of my womanly wisdon upon you."

"You are four moons elder than me." Tully countered.

"Yes which is why im ten and six and you are still  ten and five." Mallory agreed. "The moment a man or a boy in your case say they will wait until you are comfortable they become instantly more sexy. Besides when i look at luke i think all he wants is to hold your hand and kiss you."

"You think?"

"Hes a boy. Hes going to want more eventually but right now he is innocent and if he pushes any boundaries we kill him."


It wouldnt be the first time blood was spilled over protecting Tullys fragile heart.

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