19. Waking Up

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Loving yous a little bit hard sometimes / Bruce Banner out now!
Waking up in bed with Tallulah Strong was the best thing ever to happen to Luke. That stayed the same the day after she came to his chambers, and the day after that, and the day after that. Sometimes they stayed at her house, larys allowed it with the door wide open and he was allowed to burst in any time he wanted. And oh yeah the big one. Clothes must stay on at all times.

But sometimes they stayed at the castle, larys allowed it putting faith in tully but they together pretty much every night.

Larys had loosened the reigns on sleepovers but Luke didnt go past goodnight kisses for the fear of Larys removing body parts.

"Morning." Luke yawned out. Larys examined him over his morning cup of tea. Tully smiled as Luke wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back into him. "Morning my beloved." Luke kissed tullys cheek and neck.

"Where is your shirt?" Larys questioned calmly. Suddenly luke felt naked.

"Um..." luke let go of tully and ran off. Tully smiled sheepishly back at larys.

"I think i have been very gracious and lenient." Larys remarked casually as he put his tea down. Tully took a seat beside him.

"You have. I love having Luke here." Tully agreed grabbing the kettle and a strainer.

"But my requirements were-"

"Door wide open and clothes on." Tully agreed. Larys glanced back at where luke had run off. "He got hot. Im always cold and hes part dragon. Can you blame him?"

"Yes. I have two rules."

"Three if you include can walk in anytime you want when lukes over." Tully added.

"Yes. Three rules. Two of which can not be broken on yours and lukes part." Larys agreed.

"Sorry larys." Tully whispered. Larys nodded stiffly as luke came out with his shirt back on. Larys glanced to the thick chunky knit sweater tully was wearing over her dress and back to luke.

"Sorry about that Larys." Luke offered as he grabbed some bread and butter. "It wont happen again." He assured. Tully smiled back at him trying and failing to hide her blush as she took a sip of her tea.

"Hes gotten taller." Mallory remarked.

"He trains a lot too." tully added. "It shows..."

"OooooOohhHhHH!" Mallorys voice rose and fell as she leaned in. "Tell me more!"

"He doesn't have anything on Criston but," his shoulders had got broader, his hair a bit longer, he stood face to face with tully now. Luke unlike criston who had defined muscles in his arms and stomach but luke was strong and charming and sexy.

"But?" Mallory urged.

"Hes perfect to me." Tully declared.

"Thats adorable. So you two were totally fooling around and he forgot to put his clothes back on?!" Mallory rationalized and Tully paled.

"NO!" Tully shouted.

"Awfully defensive for someone with nothing to hide." Mallory cooed.

"Stop it! If larys even thought that we were doing anything I wouldnt be able to see him until we are wed." Tully countered.

"So you were?"

"No." Tully assured.

"Boo," Mallory countered.

"I'm not a bad girl like you." Tully agreed. "I'm happy with how things are."

"Yeah, yeah." Mallory agreed. "All good girls are bad girls that havent been caught."

Tully was not about to get caught either.

Luke kissed her smile as his body descended upon her. Her arms draped over him and she giggled out while he kissed along her jaw and neck before returning to her lips.

It was scandalous. Kissing in such a manner before they wed yet laying on the bed together.

Her knee rose up to cradle his hip. One elbow propped him up the other held the nape of her neck.

"Prince Lucaerys-" sounded with a knock and tully threw luke off of her. Luckily his bed was large. Unluckily he kept rolling not expecting it. He bounced on the bed and landed with a thud on the ground. "My prince?" Luke heard the door knob turn.

"Im fine! I just need a minute!" He demanded before looking at tully. She fixed herself standing upright and helping Luke up.

"Sorry." She whispered, her lips brushing against his.

"When we are married." Luke whispered back. "You better not kick me out of bed."


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