27. Half Brother

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"Tully im gonna hide in here." Joffrey remarked plopping down on the bed beside them. Luke grumbled grabbing his shirt as tully hugged Joffrey.

"So much for alone time before the baby comes. Who knew we already had a child?" Luke teased.

"Whats wrong honey?"

"Mother is shouting at Jace again." Joffrey answered.

"Help me." Jace demanded slamming the door behind him. "Shes a madwoman!"

"Why do we bother having a door?" Luke pondered.

"Mother claimed that since it was done in front of the gods of the forest that it doesnt count!"

"What did you do in the forest?" Luke countered.

"Married Sara."

"You did it so you could bed her.  Cregan would have murdered you otherwise." Luke objected

"I mean yes but i fell in love with her." Jace drawled.

"Why is this my problem?" Luke questioned. "Oh wait i will answer that. Its not!"

"I just need to hide."

"Hide with your wife!" Lule suggested

"Thats the first place she will look!"

"We really need our own place." Luke murmured.

"We do." Tully agreed, but her arms remained locked around Joffrey kissing his cheek. 


"Grandfather." Luke remarked greeting Rhaenys and Corlys at the gates. "Grandmother, welcome."

"Lucerys," Rhaenys answered moving to him.

"I thought it was about time we handled this union between your brother and our Baela." Corlys added. Luke nodded slowly looking Tully for help but she distracted with Mallory. 

"You... umm, are these your... brothers?" Luke countered. "I only thought you had the one..." He looked to two men they looked very much Targaryen Velaryon. 

"Alyn and Addam of the Hull." Corlys corrected. "They are your... half brothers." 

"Oh... OH!" Luke declared. "Thats... wow." Luke didnt know what to say. Half targaryen with their silver hair and half Laenor... with their dark skin, men that Corlys and Rhaenys would be proud of. "My fathers... children." He realized. They were quite a bit older than himself and his mother wasnt all that old. She certainly wouldnt have sent them away, her own sons. They had to be laenors. 

"Welcome, what do we owe the visit?" Luke questioned. 

"Jacaerys and Baela. Remember?" Corlys hissed. 

"Oh... right... that." LUke nodded. "WIll you just excuse me for like a..." Luke ran off barreling into Tully. 

"Careful, she is carrying precious cargo." Mallory warned. 

"Um, my grandparents are here and they want a union between Jace and Baela but Jace is sort of already married maybe to Sara and... also I have half brothers." Luke blurted out. Tully and Mallory's heads snapped around looking at the men standing behind Corlys. 

"Cute." Mallory answered. 

"They are going to kill jace. He broke a vow. He was-"

"You broke it too. Said you were going to marry the other one and married Tully instead-' Mallory reminded him. 

"I gave up my claim to driftmark for Tully." Luke corrected. "Jace didnt give up anything." 

"Then this sounds like a jace problem." Mallory agreed. 

"Try telling him that. He is useless." Luke grumbled Tully wrapped her arms around him. 

"You are perfect and too sweet trying to help Jace when he needs to just man up already." TUlly decided. "Send them to your mother and Jace and have them deal with it." 

"Mother still thinks Jace's union is a scam." Luke admitted. 

"And if it is ,there is nothing to worry about." Tully offered. "Dont worry yourself about it. It is a Jace problem, lets not make it ours." Tully encouraged. 

"Laenors you say?" Daemon chuckled. But their Targaryen likeness was uncanny. 

"Yes." Corlys agreed. Rhaenys knew the likeliness that these boys were Laenors were slim and it was more likely that they were of Corlys seed but neither corlys nor the woman, the boys mother, Marilda fessed up. 

"Interesting." Daemon chuckled. "I'm sorry to say that Jacaerys-"

"Is under the weather." Rhaenyra cut in. 

"Oh? Lucerys didnt say anything." Corlys challenged. 

"It overtook him quite quickly. But we will discuss this further, I promise, just with everything with Luke and Tully-"

"Yes the younger brother is wed and married off, a child on the way and yet Jacaerys and Baela-"

"I know it isnt ideal but Jace needs to study, to be more focused on learning than marriage right now. He is to be the king one day. He needs more time to focus on ruling before he is worried about a family." Rhaenyra offered. 

"Thats-" Corlys was ready to shout but Rhaenys put a hand on his arm. 

"Understandable." Rhaenys agreed. "We just wanted to make sure everything was going according to our agreement."

"Yes. Of course." Rhaenyra agreed as Daemon chuckled to himself. 

"Where are you going?" Jace questioned. 

"Your mother is going to end your union." Daemon remarked. "I'm going to figure how to keep us on top." 

"What does that mean?"

"Stop being a child Jacaerys." Daemon hissed. "You are a man grown and yet you are acting childish."

"Says you." Jace muttered. 

"What did you say?" Daemon huffed. 

"Nothing." Jace scoffed marching off. "I can handle my own business." He added. 

"Careful Jacaerys you are turning out to be more like me than you want to be." 

"I wasnt married to Baela when I slept with Sara." Jace corrected. 

"Yet you were betrothed to her. Gave her a promise which you easily broke." Daemon countered. "You act high and mighty but we all know... you are going to end up just like me."

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