10. Party

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Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera Targaryen
Tully woke to see the best thing ever. Mallory was home.

"Best name day ever!" Tully declared hugging Mallory and pulling her tightly to her making them both fall into the bed laughing.

"I know," Mallory agreed, plopping down beside her.

"Are you pregnant yet?"

"What? No. Gross. I'm not get fat and swollen without you." Mallory corrected.

"Wow that sounds great." Tully teased. "Oh I have some news, since you are waiting until I'm married-'

"Ohhh tell me everything!" Mallory agreed as the door opened and a stack of pancakes with sticky syrup and freshly whipped cream and a pile of berries scattered around was carried in.

"Happy name day, Tully." Larys remarked.

"Thank you Larys." Tully took the plate from him.

"Are you trying to posion her?" Mallory countered. Larys wasnt a great cook. It wasnt a surprise. It was a well known fact that tully was the chef of the family.

"I can make two things." Larys countered. "This is one of them." Larys assured as Tully stabbed into her plate happily, she hummed, nodding into it.

"I have been teaching larys too." tully added. "I think he likes someone and wants to impress her." Larys rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Mallory stabbed into the pan cakes.

"Who is it?" Mallory questioned. "Come on. You confided in me about alicent. Confide in me about this too!"

"I didnt confide in you about anything. You wanted alicents guard. There is a difference-"

"And I got him. I can help you. Matchmaker Mallory- ohhhh that has a nice ring to it." She decided.


"You can thank me when you are super happy and in love." Mallory assured. "Now back to the name day girl!" She took another bite. "Im impressed larys!"

"Thanks." He murmured.

"So i know your typical fun day is chilling and reading but I was thinking what if- wait for it! Wait for it!"

"Im waiting." Tully agreed licking the whipped cream from her lips.

"Party. For tully. Its her ten and seventh name day. And im... well I will ve ten and five before you know it and then we will be wed. You know getting older was always exciting but not when the love of my life keeps getting older before me. Its just not fair." Luke decided

"Age is but a number." Rhaenyra assured smiling back at daemon who was polishing his crown content in gold and nothing more.

"Yeah. I hope so. So a big party for tully? I already told the chefs and I asked them to decorate the throne room- tully seemed to like green before but now its clear she likes blues a lot better" luke added proudly.

"A party? Mallory you dont havw to go through the trouble for me." Tully countered.

"Nonsense we have so much to catch up on!" Mallory assured.

"Is your husband sad im stealing you away already?" Tully pondered.

"Nonsense we rode the carriage back and he needs a break from me. What can I say? I got some young energy," mallory declared with a shimmy.


"Lady Willa Swann..." larys called out moving away from mallory and tully. Mallorys head snapped around. "Its... Larys Strong."

"I know who you are lord strong." Willa assured.

"We are having a party for my sister- Tully," larys gesutred back at them. Tully waved. "I was wondering if you might want to come."

"Happy name day Tully."

"Thank you."

"Later today. After noon... there will be food and cake and-"

"I knew he liked someone my larys radar was going crazy." Mallory remarked.

"Im touched that you thought of me but I have to run into town before work pick up a tonic for... well it doesnt matter. But im sorry I dont think I will be able to make it." Willa answered. "But have a wonderful name day. And Larys I will see you soon."

"Yes." Larys agreed softly. Tully and mallory stared back at Larys silently. "Stop that. Come on."

"Willa Swann? Who is she?"

"Shes a lovely young woman that I... see occasionally around the castle." Larys offered. "Now it is your day and im sure your betrothed is itching to see you." Larys ushered them along.

"I want you to be larys." Tully remarked as they walked.

"I am happy Tully. As long as you are happy. Im happy." Larys assured kissing her temple.

Mallory giggled out as criston picked her up spinning her around. Tully smiled back at them before her gaze shifted to luke. He waved wildly getting her attention. She waved back as he ran towards her.

"Happy name day." Luke declared hugging her.

"Thank you." Tully answered blushing when he pulled back.

"Do you feel older? You still look as beautiful as ever." Luke added.

"I dont feel any older." Tully agreed with a chuckle.

"Tully basically apologized for stealing me away from you, shes just the sweetest she was always too sweet for aemond. Princes are just so arrogant." Mallory decided

"Lucerys is a prince." Criston corrected.

"Yeah but he had a mother that loved him so that changes things." Mallory assured. "Alright lets get ready to party!"

"Mallory is throwing you a party?" Luke questioned nervously.

"Yeah. Shes the best." Tully agreed. "But I would have been fine hanging out with you, mallory and larys all day." She added.

"Oh um... will you excuse me a moment?"

"Sure-" tully agreed as Luke ran up to mallory.

"You are throwing tully a party?"

"Yes." Mallory agreed. "Because im her best friend."

"Im throwing tully a party." Luke corrected

"Ohh thats so sweet."

"Not if you have a party too." Luke countered.

"Oh I see the problem. My party will be better and you want her to remember your party and love you more for it." Mallory half teased. Luke tensed.

"We will merge parties. Im a reasonable woman. Dont worry. I like you. Tully likes you. Calm down."

"Thanks Mallory." Luke agreed. "Wait why wasnt i invited to your party for tully?"

"I just got back in town today from my honeymoon. I didnt have time to deal with a guest list."

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