3. Burn Him

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"My love if you asked me to claim a dragon to burn Aemond to the ground I would have." Larys assured. "If you want me to get rid of Lucerys-"

"I adore luke. Hes nothing like Aemond. He is sweet and funny and he likes being near me. He isnt faking it." Tully assured.

"If that ever changes," larys countered.

"He really asked you for my hand?"

"He did. He called you spectacular." Larys added.

"He did?" Tully felt a flutter in her chest. She had never been called spectacular before.

"Yes. He is quite smitten with you but I would like to postpone the wedding for.... At least a year." Larys offered hopefully

"Thats a good idea." Tully agreed. Larys let out a breath of relief. "Lucerys and I have been on different regions for the past six years. We need to get to know each other again."

"Im so glad you think so. Oh tully please know that if you change your mind... its okay to change your mind." Larys assured her.

"You are the best brother ever larys."

Larys smiled back at Tully as they walked. Mallory was in wedding planning zone and needed Tully by her side so luke tagged along.

"Could I hold your hand?" Luke questioned. Tully nodded and luke quickly grabbed her hand.  Mallory held back a laugh and the urge to say I told you so.

"So obviously red." Mallory declared. "And I want-" mallorys hand rose up slowly in a slither until her hand shot straight up fingers moving delicately above her head. "Hi husband to be!" She cooed. Criston smiled waving back at her.

"Can I borrow you for a moment Tully?" Luke questioned as mallory ran off.

"Sure. I think she will be distracted with cristons tongue down her throat for at least five minutes." Tully half mused.

"I dont know if your brother told you but..." luke stopped himself and grabbed both her hands. "Tully I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you think that one day you might want to be in love with me too I would be eternally grateful." Luke declared. A smile tugged at Tullys lips. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met and certainly the most beautiful."

"Oh Luke," Tully cooed. 

"Marry me, Tully! Say you will marry me!" Luke begged. 

"Yes. Yes I will marry you Lucerys." Tully agreed. 

"Can I kiss you?" Luke questioned taking a step forward his smile growing by the second. 

"Yes." Tully agreed. Luke got up on his toes and kissed her. Tully blushed as he pulled back. 

"I'm so happy." Luke whispered. 

"Me too." Tully agreed. 

"That was adorable!" Mallory shouted back. "A-fucking- dorable!" Tully smiled back at her. 

Luke couldnt wait to get taller. Luke couldnt wait to be able to reach Tully's beautiful face without having to lean up to get to her, he hoped she wouldnt mind if he kissed her a lot. He wanted to be tall like his father, a man Tully could look up to. Unfortunately for her Strong genes she was a bit tall and Luke was a bit short. 

"A year?" LUke demanded. 

"Gives you and Tallulah time to get to know each other and for you to mature." Rhaenyra agreed. "I already spoke to her brother about it."

"What!!" Luke demanded. "But I love her and want to marry her now!" 

"You will still love her in a year and-"

"But what if she falls out of love with me?" Luke countered. "What if... shes not in love with me yet and she said yes, what if she never loves me like I love her!" 

"Luke," Rhaenyra cooed giving his shoulder a squeeze. 

"I'm sorry, your grace, I know you have better things to deal with than this. I will find Jace to pester." Luke assured turning on the balls of his feet and marching off. 

"LUCERYS!" Rhaenyra called out and he froze mid step. "Come here." Luke slumped back to her. "She will fall in love with you because what is not to love?" Rhaenyra assured. "The year long engagement is just as much for her as it  is for us." Rhaenyra added. "These past moons have been a severe transition. I'm happy with how everything turned around but you know as well as I how things could have turned out."

"I know." Luke agreed softly. "So... I can still kiss Tully right?"

"If she agrees." Rhaenyra added. "Yes. Just postponing the matrimonial duties for now."

"Oh the.... those duties." LUke agreed, he wasnt ready for that. "I really love her."

"I'm happy you found someone you love. That you get to marry for love." RHaenyra agreed. 

"You two are so stinking cute!" Mallory agreed. 

"Thanks." TUlly agreed, blushing again. 

"Criston and I are hella sexy." Mallory whipped her hair around so it makes sense that you and luke would be adorable like yourself. He is not going to be able to keep his hands off you." 

"I wouldnt mind."

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