20. Abandon

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Undo It / Viserys Targaryen Is out now!

Cowboy like me / Aemond Targaryen / Mitch Rapp out now!

It had been less than a year since tully and Luke had gotten engaged and luke was eager to tie the knot.

"You can wait as long as you want." Larys reminded tully. "The choice is yours."

"Its been 10 moons."

"Yes and that boy loves you." Mallory agreed. "Im surprised he has withheld this long." Larys sent her a warning glare.

"I love luke. I really do." Tully agreed. "Hes smart and funny. He always makes me smile. Hes an excellent kisser too." She added softly. "I do want to marry him." She agreed.

"So whats wrong love?" Larys questioned.

"I dont really want things to change." Tully admitted. "I like coming home to you larys. You have been my brother but not only that, when father died you became my father and protector to... you have been here for me for so long. I dont want to leave you."

"Oh honey," larys cooed.

"I would feel like I was abandoning you." Tully added. Mallory gave larys a pointed look. "I have been abandoning you though havent I when I spend the night at the castle..."

"Tully you are growing up. As much as I love having you so close no matter where you go i will always be right here for you." Larys assured.

"We can all move to the rock! Its massive!" Mallory declared. "Then he will still be in the same castle as you just far away so as not to hear any and all love making." Tullys face blushed crimson. Larys nudged mallory aside and sat beside tully.

"Tully when you want to marry Luke im going to be right there walking you down the aisle and even though i will hand you over to him that doesnt mean you cant still hold my hand. It just means you have not only me but Luke too. You have us both to lean on."

"And you always have me!" Mallory sung out.

"Thank you larys." Tully launched herself at him hugging him tight. "You are the best brother ever."

"Mallory." Tyland remarked startled.


"What are you doing here?" Tyland questioned.

"Well tully got me thinking and... i dont spend enough time with you and mum." Mallory decided.

"You are a married woman Mallory. We dont expect you to hang around here. In fact your mother was asking when we should be expecting another grandbaby from you."
Tyland added.

"Not until tully is married. We are having babies together," mallory corrected. Tyland smiled giving mallorys hand a squeeze.

"Im glad you and tully have each other."

"Me too. So whats up? Whats happening in the life of mum and dad since... well gosh its been a while since we caught up." Mallory realized.

"I would rather hear about you." Tyland assured. Mallory blabbered on for the next hour without taking a breath. Tyland smiled pouring them more wine as mallory told him every little thing. Tyland was glad mallory came home. Glad she still wanted her parents even though she was a married woman now.

"Shes not here." Larys corrected when criston came around looking for Mallory "left hours ago. Figured she went home to you."

"Probably just missed her," criston offered.

"Doubtful with her loud mouth." Larys countered.

"Yes." Luke declared. "Should I repropose?"

"You dont have to but you can." Tully assured. "I just to marry you luke. Soon. Im ready."

"I have been ready. Im so glad. I will write jace and if he doesnt fly back in time will thats so bad because we wont be waiting for him." Luke declared. After their  first few ravens to winterfell they hadnt heard anything else in over a moon. Luke assumed jace had moved on and was somewhere else by now. Moved on from the girl as well maybe she wasnt the one.

"I cant wait to marry you Luke."

"Why wait? Lets do it right now! I know the septon go fetch your brother." Luke half mused.


"Hey I was thinking you are so skilled," mallory propped herself up as criston got up getting changed. "The golden company need some whipping into shape-"

"The golden company?"

"Yes thats what im calling them. The lannister army. Do you like it?" Mallory questioned watching how his muscled moved as he pulled off his shirt.

"Very lannister." Criston agreed.

"Well you could train them. You are such a good fighter... i dont want you growing bored with me."

"We have been married a year and i can honestly say Im never bored when im with you." Criston corrected leaning over to kiss her. Mallory blushed. "But it could be fun." He added.

"I hoped you would like it." Mallory agreed watching his pants drop to the ground. She watched the shadows of the candlelight flicker around silhouetting his naked frame.

"Does that mean we are moving?" Criston questioned turning to face her. Mallorys gaze dropped to his cock. She shrugged.

"Eventually." Her gaze drifted back up his chest to meet his dark gaze "my father has been replaced on the council and my mother wants to be closer to my sister now that im so well taken care of." Mallory added. "At least until we have our own children," criston smiled moving to her.

"Ahh yes children." Criston agreed. "When were we starting on that?"

"When tully marries luke which is going to be sooner than we thought because we had a lovely talk and luke is very eager to marry her," mallory assured.

"I cant wait to start a family with you." Criston whispered against her lips. He kissed her gently before moving back to his night clothes.

"Dont bother putting pants back on."

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