11. Perfect

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Tully was blown away by the extremes Luke and Mallory went for her name day. Larys was instructed to leave the party planning to a Lannister and he listened.

Mallory had instructed larys to pick up tullys name day celebration dress from the tailor but leave the rest to mallory. Mallory should have known that luke was going to try and throw tully a party he was smitten with her.

Hell that boy was fully in love with Tallulah Strong.

"Do I have to marry Rhaena?" Jace questioned. "I mean you are letting luke marry for love. Maybe I should have the same option. Or do you love him more than me?" Jace sassed. Rhaenyra stared down at him silently. "Because im your heir which really should mean that i shouldnt be forced into a marriage and by forcing me into a marriage with a woman I dont love I might make the same mistakes that you did and henceforth drive you to an early grave with my bad decisions."

"I regret nothing. Because everything I did and do lead me to you and your brothers and eventually the crown," rhaenyra countered.

"I dont like your choice in second husbands still." Jace added knowing he wasnt winning this non- argument anyways.

"Whats wrong with daemon?" Rhaenyra countered.

"Ahh this is the stuff!" Mallory declared as she spun around with tully. "My dear all eyes are on you."

"I would settle for one set of eyes on me." Tully countered embarrassed as she tucked her thick black curly hair behind her ear.

"Well Lukes eyes are always on you," mallory assured. "I will let him dance with you. I know he is dying too," mallory added spinning away from tully. Luke was quick to take her place.

"Look at our girl Larys." Mallory gestured dramatically to tully and luke. "They grow up so fast." She feigned wiping tears from her eyes. Larys chuckled shaking his head. "Your friend couldnt make it after all? I thought she might have tried harder-"

"I barely know her." Larys cut in. "And i... thought it would be nice."

"It would be nice. You know maybe I get you a cat after all."


"Because you and tully wanted cats to feast on your loveless hearts but tully has a man now- well not a man. A boy that is a gentleman perhaps. But you larys-"

"Im fine on my own." Larys corrected.

"I dont believe you." Mallory corrected slowly.

"Believe what you will. It doesnt change my relationship status."

"Mallory beloved wife-"

"Oh i like that." Mallory agreed taking Cristons outstretched hand.

"Dance with me." Criston spun her into him and held her close. "You look radiant."

"Thank you."

"Tullulah talk to my mother." Jace demanded. Luke pulled tully behind him. "Yeah short stack that doesnt make her invisible." Jace reminded him.

"Go away." Luke begged.

"Just tell mother how I dont deserve to be punished for being a good son."

"You should talk to her." Tully countered. "I barely know your mother. She loves you." Luke spun around looking up at her.

"She will love you too!" Luke assured. "You are perfect-"

"I want that!" Jace begged shoving luke out of the way. "Cant you help a future brother in law out?"

"Luke asked your mother and she agreed. I dont think your mother would agree with someone else fighting your battles for you Jacerys." Tully countered. "You will be king one day. You need to stand up for what you want."

"Exactly now bugger off!" Luke begged shoving jace aside with a huff. He smiled back at tully. "Now, where were we?" Tully smiled, Larys loved how much Tully smiled around Luke. It was a real smile, not like when she saw Aemond previously. It was so careful and innocent. It was like Luke took the pain and trauma from Tully and replaced it with happiness. 

"Now shall we put those dance lessons to use?" Tully pondered. 

"No, I want to hold you." Luke corrected. Tully liked that idea. 

Her heart felt a flutter when she was with Luke. Luke got on his toes and it was silly, their height difference but Tully didnt care. SHe thought she wanted a man taller than her, one to look up to but Aemond was not a man to look up. Luke was. She smiled down at him, he balanced as he held onto her hand. 

"I'm going to kiss you now." Luke requested. 

"Then kiss me." Tully agreed. His lips pressed to hers and she had a silly, love struck smile on her face when he pulled back. 

"You are perfect."

"I never felt perfect until you looked at me."

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