9. Dance With Me

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"Don't you think, Larys? Larys? Larys?" Tully questioned waving a hand in front of his face. "Oh my God!" She declared. "I know that look!" She realized. 

"What?" Larys questioned confused, finally looking at her. 

"You have a crush." 

"What? No, no, you are mistaken." 

"I am not. Who is she?" 

"I reckon you are mistaken."

"You reckon incorrectly!" Tully declared.

"I seldom agree to that." Larys countered. 


"I'm enjoying my Mallory free mornings thats all." Larys assured. "I'm able to take everything in." 

"Yeah, right." Tully countered before seeing Luke training in the courtyard. Luke waved when he saw her. Tully mirrored him, a big smile on her face. 

"Go on." Larys urged and Tully ran off. 

"Mother said I should know how to dance for when we wed, there is a special dance, she did it for her wedding..." Luke remarked. "You are probably a wonderful dancer." 

"I'm to tall." Tully countered. "I have two left feet too probably, all arms and legs."

"You are tall." Luke agreed, looking up at her longingly, he liked when they were sitting down, he didnt have to look up to see her. He hoped he would get taller like his father one day because he hated being short. "and when I get taller, it will be perfect." She chuckled. "So... um, I have some training now but after a mid day snack mother has step up dancing lessons for Jace and Baela and us, if you wanted." 

"I would love to." Tully agreed. 

"I can't wait to dance with you." LUke declared. 

Tully waited Luke train, he kept waving over at her and getting whacked by Jace. 

"Stop it!" Luke grumbled. 

"Then you stop it." Jace countered. "Focus." 

"I am focused." Luke countered. "On Tully.''

"That doesnt help with training and protecting her from future enemies." Jace countered. "Sword up."

"What do you mean jace is dancing with my girl?" Luke whined. 

"It's a combination dance."  Lou Lannister, Mallory's mother remarked. "You dance with everyone." 

"I just want to dance with Tully." Luke corrected. "I'm a one woman type of man." Tully liked that a lot.

"You will get to dance with her now, line up! Three boys, three girls and lets get in a circle!" Lou clapped out as the music began.  "All join hands and circle left. Now circle right. Centre turn to the right ♪♪ Reels of three Step and weave ♪ ♪ And come back home again ♪ ♪ Everyone to the middle and back ♪ ♪ Now hands held high And sweep right through... ♪♪

They stumbled over each other as they tried to follow the order of the dance. Tully chuckled as she weaved under luke's hands linked with a girl they didnt know. She smiled back at Luke but he was focused on Tully. 

" Circle left ♪ ♪ Now circle right You're not done yet ♪ ♪ Circle ♪ ♪ Turn to the left ♪ ♪ Step with your partner ♪ ♪ And swing her round and round ♪ ♪ Turn to the left! Step with your partner ♪ ♪ And swing her round and round ♪

"This is impossible!" Jace shouted. 

"This isnt even hard." Rhaenyra countered. 

"I dont like this. We dont have to do this dance at our wedding." Luke assured. 

"I want a one on one for our dance." Tully assured. Luke blushed, Rhaenyra knew Tully would treat her baby boy right. 

 ♪ Reels of three ♪ ♪ Step and weave ♪ ♪ Then come back home again ♪ ♪ Everyone to the middle and back ♪ ♪ And hands held low and hands held high Sweep right through to the other side ♪

"Are we done yet!" Luke demanded. 

"I want to be done!" Jace agreed. "Dancing is for girls, its all frilly and foo foo." 

"I disagree, that was a workout, more than a dance." Tully remarked. "I like dancing but that was complicated."

"How do you like to dance?" Luke questioned. Tully lifted her hands up as the quartet continued to play. She spun herself around as she swayed to the music.

"I like that much better." Luke agreed. He reached out and she offered his hand, she swayed together. 

"Thank you, lady lannister, for trying." Rhaenyra offered. 

"Of course, your Grace, anything for our queen." Lou agreed. "Mallory would have been the star of the show if she was here." 

"How is she?" Rhaenyra asked politely, she didnt care about the little lannister. 

"Ignoring our ravens so obviously she is fine and enjoying married life." Lou offered. "Soon enough your sons will be to busy for you and doting upon their wives." 

"That is the hope." Rhaenyra mused. 

"Tully is the sweetest thing, her family- her brother that is, is good to have on your side." Lou added. 

"I have realized that." Rhaenyra assured. 

"Good. I'm glad. The Strongs may be a small house but they hold power." 

"Do they?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"Of course, every house holds their own power, thats why we form unions, marry other houses to get stronger. You know your father was foolish to marry a Hightower."

"I agree but why do you think so?" Rhaenyra pondered. 

"When a king marries someone like the Hightowers, its like saying they are equal to the crown. Your match... Daemon, a fine man-" Lies, he was a power hungry monster. "-but there were many reasons why Targaryen's were known for incest. No one could touch the dragon if the dragon didnt let them." 

"Your husband tell you that?" 

"We both know its the women that are in charge..." Lou chuckled. "You have sons, Tully is a good girl for your Luke, can you say the same about your match for Jacaerys? Your heir?'"

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