22. Postpone It

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"Tully you need to get married." Mallory whispered. Tully jumped. Luke beamed back at her holding tight to Tullys hand.

"Im ready whenever you are, Tallulah," luke assured kissing her cheek. Tully blushed. She liked the way luke said her name.

"Whats the hurry Mallory?" Tully mused leaning back into Luke.

"Can I speak to you? Privately?"

"Yeah... sure." Tully agreed getting up.

"Im late."

"For what?"

"Im fucking late!"

"Oh mallory-".

"Dont oh mallory me. We are supposed to have children together! They are supposed to be besties and you arent even married yet!"

"Oh Mallory-"

"Stop that!"

"Does criston know?"

"No!" Mallorys voice boomed as she shook her head.

"What? He will be so excited!" Tully countered. "But im honored you told me first- im first right?"

"Oh course you are!" Mallory agreed, as if it was a completely rediculous question "but now I need you to get married-"

"I think im going to postpone it-"

"Stop it. I hate you-"

"You love me."

"I hate that I do," mallory agreed with a cheeky grin.

"Best tell luke." Tully agreed.

"Really! Thank you!"

"No need to thank me its what i was already talking to luke about." Tully assured.

If criston thought mallory was intense for their own wedding maiden of honor was next level.

"Do not bring that near me!" Mallory demanded. "This is the princes wedding! My best friends wedding. You can not be anything less than perfect and that goes for your subpar food." She sent many a chefs cowering back to the kitchen.

"Mallory?" Rhaenyra questioned cautiously. "I was summoned by you?"

"Good you came." Mallory agreed. Rhaenyra was the queen and not used to being summoned. She hated it really but luke begged her to be nice. That mallory was going to be the godmother of his future children and you really didnt want to be on mallorys bad side.

"What can i do for you mallory-"

"As queen you are expected to look the part but you are not allowed to overshadow Tully on her special day so I have a selection of dresses and clothing attire for you and your handsome husband. I dont want you sticking out like a sore thumb since you will undoubtedly make yourself the center of attention as per usual." Mallory declared. Rhaenyra grit her teeth as luke came in all smiles.

"Im ready Mallory."

"Good boy." Mallory agreed. "This suit will suit you perfectly but if you dont believe me-"

"I believe you." Luke assured rushing to get changed. Mallory clapped at rhaenyra.

"Pick a dress for the fitting come on the wedding is fast approaching." Mallory instructed.

"You were barking orders at the queen." Criston chuckled.

"Yes and?" Mallory questioned.

"I love it." Criston assured.

"I helped Tully with her dress, she is going to look beautiful, I got the cakes being made and Luke is a good listener, unlike his mother-" Mallory went on. "Luke is going to treat tully right. I know that completely. I'm so glad Aemond died." Criston's smile faltered. "I mean not really but yes really. Because things have looked up since Aegon and Aemond's passing."

Mallory wasnt wrong. Aegon was awful and Aemond let the power of the crown get to him. Criston had trained with them, worked with them for years but he wouldnt change a thing. Alicent and Helaena went south with the children and Rhaenyra didnt care about Criston or the lannisters as long as they continued to stay in line. But Mallory and the Strongs were the wild card, Rhaenyra had no control over.

Mallory was uncontrollable and needed things done her way. Larys was shifty and Rhaenyra knew better than to cross him, he had to many friends on the other side it seemed so she hoped the union between Luke and Tully would forever bind the mischievous Larys and the uncontrolled Mallory.

The days passed quickly for Mallory as she set everything up, she wanted to get this done quickly before she started showing, she wanted to dance with Tully all night before sending her off to make a baby. Mallory smiled around at the work she had done and behold. It was very good.

"Mallory why are you crying?" Criston questioned moving to her and ready to kill the person that made his beloved Mallory cry.

"Everything is just so beautiful." Mallory sobbed out.

"Oh..." Criston looked around again. "yes, it is you did a great job." Criston agreed. "Mallory-"

"I'm pregnant!" She sobbed out. "I need them married now before I'm all fat and gross and you need to promise me-" her blubbering stopped at she met his gaze pulling him in closer, she grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Promise me Criston you will still love me even when I'm fat and swollen and-"

"You are pregnant?"

"Do not give me that look of horror. I know I will look like-"

"Mallory!" Criston picked her up spinning her around.

"What?" Mallory whimpered confused.

"I'm so happy." Criston declared. "Are you not happy? We are going to be parents!"

"We... yes." Mallory agreed blinking back at him. "I... I am happy but i wanted to go through this with tully."

"Oh honey, dont you know by now no matter if you and tully are pregnant together you will always go through these big moments together." Criston countered kissing her again.

"You are so smart." Mallory agreed. "It must come with age." She mused.

"I see your sense of humor is still intact." Criston held her closer still. "You are perfect." Criston assured.

"Promise me." Mallory added softly.

"I promise I will always love you Mallory."

Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon (2)Where stories live. Discover now