8. Stab It

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If it wasnt Mallory banging on their door first thing in the morning it was Luke. Here Larys thought he might get some sleep. At least Luke didnt have a key. 

"Hello Lord Larys, I'm here for Tully." Luke declared. 

"Naturally." Larys agreed moving aside. "We were just sitting down for breakfast."

"Hi luke!" Tully declared getting up from the table. "You hungry?" 

"For your cooking? Always." Luke agreed. "My mother doesnt know how to cook." Luke blurted out as he took a seat. Tully chuckled. 

"She was a princess all her life, she didnt need to know basic things to survive." Larys agreed. 

"You dont know how to cook much either." Tully reminded him. 

"But I have you."  Larys reached over grabbing her hand. 

"Always.... Until I'm wed... but you will still have me, just... not for every meal, you are going to have learn to fend for yourself." Tully mused. Larys hugged her, holding her hostage against him. "You always have me, always." 

Larys knew realistically once Tully was married, her and Luke would be off being married and in love and Larys would just fade into the background. He would become uncle Larys to their future children. 

Larys liked that Luke was so desperately in love with Tully. He reached out grabbing Tully's hand when she sat beside him. She bumped her shoulder into him, a big smile on her face, she brushed her curly black hair behind her ears before grabbing her fork. 

"Dig in." Tully requested. The only sound was their forks clanking against their plates as they gobbled down their food before Tully asked if Luke wanted to see the blanket she was making. 

"Of course!" Luke declared grabbing her hand. Tully brought him to her room but Larys cleared his throat pointing a finger at them. "I will wait right here." Luke assured stopping at the doorway. Tully chuckled, Larys knew she wasnt ready for that step in their relationship. She wasnt Mallory she couldnt just give herself over to someone that easily, even if she did really like Luke. She moved to her bed and picked up the blanket. 

"It's almost done." Tully remarked. "I was working on it last night." Luke touched the fine knitted detailing. "What do you think?" 

Luke touched the blues and reds and greens. Confused he ran his fingers over the green again. Thick detailing in blue on either side and then reds and in the middle of the blanket was a strip of green.

"It's our houses." Tully remarked. "House Velaryon," She touched the blue, "House Targaryen," the red. "And my house has three colors, blue, red and green. I think it worked perfectly."  Luke's gaze shifted up to her, she smiled softly before putting back the blanket carefully. "I need to finish the end and- what's wrong?" Tully questioned. 

"It's our future!" Luke declared. "Nothing is wrong, everything is right! Everything is very much right." Tully laughed out. 

"You are so sweet." TUlly laughed out. 

"Out of the bed chamber!" Larys shouted when Luke took a step forward. Luke jumped back quickly, he glanced awkwardly to Larys. 

"Sorry." Luke whispered. "You are really talented Tully." 

"Thank you." 

"How did you learn to knit?"

"Mallory's grandmother taught me the basics actually. SHe wanted her granddaughters to know how to cook and knit but they liked shopping more than creating." Tully offered. "She was a wonderful woman. Always treated me like a granddaughter." 

"Do you want to finish your blanket?" Luke questioned. "I can read, I'm supposed to be at lessons but I my book." He jabbed a finger back at his bag. "I was hoping you would want me to stay."

"I want you to stay." Tully agreed. "We can-"

"Not in the bed chamber!" Larys shouted. 

"We can stay in the main room, Larys can fix the fire." Tully requested. Larys nodded moving to the logs. 

"I can do it!" Luke countered. "I mean, would it be okay if I..."

"Yes, of course, by all means." Larys agreed gesturing to the logs. Luke hoped to impress Tully, he smiled back at her as he tried to get the fire going but it wasnt working. He grit his teeth, he kept getting sparks but it wasnt working, why wasnt it working?

"You need dry kindling." Larys remarked crouching beside him. "Something light and thin to get it started." 

"Oh, right... I knew that." Luke assured. 

"I'm sure you did." Larys agreed as Tully came back out with her needles and yarn. She took a seat on the couch and Luke got the fire going, he whispered a thank you to larys before grabbing his bag and plopping down beside Tully. She leaned into him. 

Luke kissed her hand before she got to work, he could have stayed their watching her knit forever, he was sure of it. 

"How do you do that?" Luke questioned. 

"Stab it, strangle it, scoop out its guts, throw it off a cliff." Tully remarked as she did another stitch. 

"What?" Luke demanded. 

"Stab it." She stabbed between the stitched. "Strangle it," she wrapped the yarn around the opposite needle. "Scoop out its guts," another stab through the yarn. "Throw it off a cliff." she pulled it off the needle and she had a new stitch.  "Show no mercy." She whispered as she continued, faster this time. 

"You are a little bit scary." Luke realized. "I like it." 

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