29. I'm A Monster

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"If you don't have anything nice to say. Say it behind that persons back." Mallory shouted "And hope they dont have super hearing with their pregnancy you twat!"  

Tully chuckled seeing Mallory harassing the public. Mallory waddled over to Tully, shaking her head. 

"I'm very pregnant and you look like you are glistening." Mallory huffed. 

"I'm sweating." Tully corrected. "It's not a good glow. Just a gross one." 

"Where are you headed?" 

"To tame a dragon." Daemon answered. 

"You already have a dragon." Luke corrected. 

"Put that egg for your child on a warmer, boy." daemon instructed. "We will need it ready to pop when your bride does." 

"Why are you-"

"Why are you questioning me?" Daemon demanded turning to face him. "YOu and your brother," he scoffed. 

"I'm just confused." Luke admitted. 

"You need not think. I am the king. Remember? I can handle-"

"I just want to help. I dont really remember my father much and mother loves you..." Luke objected. Daemon stared back down at him. "I just... can I help you?"

"It's going to be dangerous. You might want to kiss your wife goodbye just in case." Daemon offered. Luke swallowed the lump in his throat. "Lose your courage? She snip your balls?"

"I dont want to die. I thought the war was won." Luke corrected. "What could be so dangerous?" Luke pondered. 

"The world is stlil after us boy. Time doesnt change that. Addam and Alyn, they will come for your birthright. Dont you see that?" 

"No they are family." Luke corrected. 

"And yet you saw Corlys. how proud he was of them compared to you and your brother." 


"No buts. Are you coming or not?"

"What do you mean its dangerous and you dont know what you are doing?" Tully questioned. 

"I will be fine, I dont think Daemon would let me die." Luke assured. 

"Thats not reassuring." she countered kissing him. 

"I will be fine. Just... checking on the dragons..."

"What dragons?" Tully countered. 

"I suppose the untamed ones." 

"What?" Tully demanded. "Luke they are untamed for a reason." 

"I know." Luke agreed. "But daemon is worried about the future. Worried others will try and steal our birthright, tears us down. He just wants to build up strength."

Dragons are not horses. They do not easily accept men upon their backs, and when angered or threatened, they attack.

"Why are there so many people here?" Luke questioned.  

"They are here to try and claim a dragon. We are going to weed out the weak from the strong. You are strong." Daemon assured. 

"If you call me lord Strong-" Luke warned his hands fisting at his sides, Daemon smirked. 

"Use that anger and put it into finding us another dragon rider." Daemon suggested. 

Sixteen men lost their lives during the Sowing. Three times that number were burned or maimed. Steffon Darklyn was burned to death whilst attempting to mount the dragon Seasmoke. Lord Gormon Massey suffered the same fate when approaching Vermithor. Daemon scoffed at the sight. What a sorry bunch. All of them, useless. None of them were worthy of a dragon. 

A man called Silver Denys, whose hair and eyes lent credence to his claim to be descended from a bastard son of Maegor the Cruel, had an arm torn off by Sheepstealer. 

Daemon ran a hand over his face, he was exhausted. This was worthless. There were not worthy dragon riders here. Certainly not worthy of being a descendant of Maegor the Cruel. Daemon rolled his eyes looking to Luke who looked a bit sick from all the bloodshed, that boy wasnt built for war. 

As Silver Denys sons struggled to staunch the wound, the Cannibal descended on them, drove off Sheepstealer, and devoured father and sons alike. Yet Seasmoke, Vermithor, and Silverwing were accustomed to men and tolerant of their presence. Having once been ridden, they were more accepting of new riders.

It didnt mean they were going to make it easy but they were more tolerant. 

"What if I'm a bad mother?" Tully questioned. "I have never had a mother." Larys cupped her cheeks in his hands lifting her face to his.

"Tully you are the most amazing and wonderful person I know. You are going to be the best mother that ever was." Larys assured.  

"It's happening!" Mallory shouted. "Get Tully!"

"I'm right here-" Criston corrected. 

"GET TULLY!" Mallory corrected. 

"Yep, okay," Criston agreed running off. 

"Leighton stop." mallory begged. Her sister just smiled. 

"It's nice not being in labor for once. I get to see your pain and laugh as you did with me." Leighton countered. 

"Mother!" Mallory shouted. 

"Alright Leighton lets give your sister a moment of peace before her child comes and she has no peace for the rest of her life." 

"Aint that the truth." Tyland murmured. 


"I'm here!" Tully waddled up. "Oh my Gods! Thats what-"

"Dont look!" Mallory corrected.

"Is my body going to stretch like that too?" Tully felt sick. "I was looking at a little outfit and thought its so cute and little but then i dropped it and picked it back up and realized so cute and little still had to come out of my body!" Tully shouted. "Oh God! We are not ready for this!"

"You still have moons, I'm having this baby and I need you to pull yourself together!" Mallory demanded. "Look at me! LOok at me! We are having this baby. I need you to be my rock." 

"I'm to emotional. I'm like a rock that God forgot to form and all mushy instead." Tully corrected. "I have a solid form but I'm not-"


"You cant see what you look like down there." Tully rasped out. 

"Stop scaring me!" Mallory demanded. "Mother it goes back right? I will be beautiful again right?" Mallory demanded. 

"Oh honey are you still beautiful-"

"That wasnt what I asked!" Mallory screamed. 

"Joys of childbirth, Cole. You are going to want to stay out here while the women handle this." Tyland assured him. 


"Dont you come near me!" Mallory shouted. "Im' a monster!" 

"I'm going to stay out here." Criston agreed. 

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