16. Goner

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"What do you mean gone?"

"He was seen taking flight your grace. The prince he... has not returned."

"When did he leave?" Rhaenyra demanded.

"At first light."

"Jace is never up that early." Rhaenyra countered. "Heavens. Daemon!"

Daemon hated being summoned. He rolled his eyes looking up from his fourth cup of wine.

"What?" Daemon barked.

"Jace is gone!"

"Because he doesnt want to marry his step sister no doubt," daemon agreed as if it was obvious.

"He wouldnt just run away." Rhaenyra demanded. Luke slowly back up he didnt want to be here for this conversation.

"No. You are right." Daemon agreed a smug smirk on his face as he brought his glass to his lips. "He flew."

"Where is Luke! Where is Joffrey! Where are my babies!" Rhaenyra demanded in a frantic panic.

"Hey mum I heard shouting like just right now. I heard shouting and didnt hear anything before thid moment," luke assured. "So whats wrong? I mean something doesnt have to be wrong but why else would you be shouting it something wasnt wrong? I mean somewhere in time and space yelling might be a good thing-"

"Your brother left. He flew off and hasnt been seen all day." Rhaenyra cut him off

"I just saw Joffrey-" luke corrected.


"Who?" Luke rasped.

"Luke." Rhaenyra growled.

"Thats me Im right here." Luke agreed.

"What do you know?"

"Nothing! I just said I didnt know anything about Jace flying away because hendoesnt want to marry Rhaena. Thats what daemon said!" Luke demanded.

"Where did he go?"

"North? South? East? West? I dont know. I swear he didnt tell me. He just said he..."

"Tell me."

"Im so happy with Tully." Luke countered. "Please dont steal my happiness because jace is an idiot."


"I dont know I swear!"

"Are you my brother?" Joffrey questioned. Larys stared down at him.

"No. Im tullys brother." Larys corrected.

"But you will be my brother." Joffrey countered.

If you want to be really technical im your uncle, larys thought with a smirk.

"Do you like your brother?" Joffrey questioned big eyes stsring up at him

"I only have tully now." Larys corrected. Willa smiled back at them as she passed larys gaze followed her longingly.

"You have me too and jace and luke and mother and... well we dont like daemon." Joffrey admitted. That got his attention.

"You dont?" Larys questioned.

"Do you hear shouting?" Joffrey countered.

"Oh mallory what does it feel like to be so divinely beautiful?" Tully questioned. Mallory smirked over her shoulder as Tully.

"Wonderful but you my dearest Tully are the smartest and sweetest person I know."

"And you are the cleverest." Tully added.

"Tully you are so beautiful. what are you on about?" Mallory questioned. "Besides boosting my already large ego."

"I really like Luke... what if on our wedding night he sees all of me and I'm not what he wants."

"Can I tell you a proven fact about men?" Mallory questioned.

"Please do." Tully begged leaning in desperate for Mallory's knowledge.

"Men dont really care."


"He already loves you, sure they have types, like curvy or flat, big ass or no ass. You know, blondes or thick wavy black hair." Mallory touched Tully's hair. "But when it comes to sex, they see tits and they locate the cunt. They dont see your legs or really even your stomach for that matter, not the first few times. They are just so enthralled that you took your clothes off for them that they just want to get the job done."

"That doesnt sound exciting." Tully admitted.

"It's after the first few times of just learning how you move is when you can start to shave and wax and-"

"Wax? Wax what?"

"Everywhere." Mallory answered. Tully's eyes went wide in horror.


"I use a honey concoction my mother made, I can bring it to show you hows its done, so much faster than shaving." Mallory agreed.

"does it hurt?" Tully countered.

"Beauty is pain."

"What happened to he wont know I have legs?" Tully countered.

"There you are!" Joffrey declared running up to tully and mallory.

"Hey sweetie." Tully reached out a hand glad to be done talking about hair removal. "Whats going on?"

"Luke needs you. Mother is going crazy."

"About what?" Tully questioned holding his hand.

"Jace is gone."

"Fucker did it." Mallory chuckled

"You knew?" Joffrey and Tully questioned.

"Who do you think gave him the idea?"

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