7. Already Mine

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Mallory loved being married, she was in a haze of happiness with Criston. Tully slept the next day, her feet aching from all the dancing and her head spinning from all the wine drank. Luke was exhausted himself, Larys chuckled peering in on Tully, he dreaded the moment that Tully got married and left him, he wouldnt be able to protect her when she left.

Larys was unsurprised that Mallory was wide awake and banging on their door day after the wedding.

"We are moving to the rock!" Mallory declared. "Rhaenyra is being weird about Criston for who knows why." Tully's smile fell. "I want you and larys to come with!"

"What about LUke?" Tully questioned. She adored luke. She really did. They were the sweetest together. Larys didnt worry that luke would break his sisters heart because luke looked at tully like she was a shooting star. Rare and enchanting.

"What about him? Bring him with!" Mallory decided. "THe rock is huge! I want to start a family- words I never thought I would say." She added with a laugh. "But I want to start a family with Criston. The rock has all the room to roam and we can jump off the cliffside- oh you need to get married so we can children at the same time and they can be the best of friends. I will wait to have children until you are married because we both know that Luke is not going to be able to keep his hands off you once he is yours."

"He is already mine." Tully corrected.

"I love how much you like him." Mallory declared.

"Me too." Tully admitted.

"Okay, so I'm going to go on an extended honey moon and fuck Criston into oblivion but after that... we need to catch up on everything and start planning your wedding, okay? Great!" Mallory squealed grabbing her bag and thrusting it at her father.

"My wedding isnt going to be for another year." Tully countered.

"Right sure," mallory winked dramatically. "I will see you soon! I love you! Bye babe!"

"Goodbye married woman!" Tully declared.

"It will be nice having some peace and quiet." Larys decided as they waved mallory off. Tully rolled her eyes. "And no one barging in, at the break of day scaring me to death... oh and our food wont run out as fast either."

"You are going to miss her too." Tully corrected.

"No... I think distance will make me very happy." Larys half mused. "Come on, get dressed, we are having tea with the queen and your betrothed." Tully squealed running back to her room.

Luke pulled out Tully's chair for her, she thanked him as he sat beside her pouring her some tea. Rhaenyra leaned back in her chair and watched Luke dote over Tully. Watched Tully blush at Luke's kindness.

Rhaenyra had heard through Jace that Tully liked Aemond before that is, Luke was nothing like Aemond. Luke was perfect and Aemond was a spawn of the devil.

Rhaenyra thought about Alicent occasionally. THought about how they started and how it ended.

"Thats a lovely dress, Tallulah." Rhaenyra remarked.

"Oh, thank you, your grace." Tully answered softly. "Mallory gave it to me." Larys reached out tapping Tully's knee and she straightened her back. She hadnt realized, she had been so nervous, it wasnt like she never met Rhaenyra, she knew her for years but this was different, this was meeting Luke's mother, not just the queen or princess. But possibly her future mother in law. She had been hunched over the table and gave larys a grateful smile. She didnt want Rhaenyra to be staring back at her as if she the hunchback of dorne.

"You wrote my luke often, he was always running to the maesters asking them to send a letter..." Rhaenyra recalled. 

"I enjoyed our correspondence but I'm even more glad that we can talk face to face again." Tully agreed. "Luke has grown so much since we last saw each other."

"Six years is a long time." Luke agreed. 

"It was... this might be to forward but why didnt you come back?" Tully questioned curiously, Larys tensed, lips pursed beside her. 

"You are right, Tallulah," Rhaenyra remarked. "That is to forward."

"I'm sorry." Tully declared, suddenly breathless. Luke grabbed her hand, Tully's eyes stuck to his hand in hers. Her nervous gaze flickered to Luke. His dark eyes matched her own. 

"Mother, I was wondering the same, I ask- I begged her to come back to you." Luke admitted. She already knew he was in love with her, might as well just go for it. Tell her just how much he missed her over the years. "But you always said no."

"That is right." Rhaenyra agreed stiffly. 

"Luke, your mother doesnt have to answer, I'm sorry I pushed." Tully assured. "I'm very sorry." 

Larys knew Tully was a nervous little thing, she always had been. She had been nervous about boys and her hair, her own body, and now she was nervous about making a good impression on Rhaenyra. If only Tully could see what was going through Larys mind. If Rhaenyra kept up this attitude Larys didnt have any problems removing another Targaryen from the throne.

"It's quite alright, just a hard time in our lives and coming back... brought back memories." Rhaenyra told luke sharply. 

"Of Father." Luke answered. Rhaenyra gave a tight nod. 

Which father? Larys resisted the urge to ask knowing that wouldnt be good for Tully and Luke's relationship. 

Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon (2)Where stories live. Discover now