4. Blame Mother

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"They are going to have some Sttttrong kids."

"Mallory!" Larys scolded.

"What? Targaryens are all for that incest stuff. Hell. His mother married her own uncle." Mallory reminded him. "Which by the way when people say oh my your husband is how old I can just point at the king and queen and go what did you say bitch?" Mallory drawled out. "Their age gap is disgusting." 

"Do you know how old-"

"Daemon has old man hair always, he could be 90 or 50, I dont know but his skin care routine is certainly the only thing saving him from wrinkles already." Mallory decided. 

"Yeah, dont say that in front of The king." Larys suggested. 

"LUKEY!" Mallory shrieked. "Hi honey, where is Tully?"

"I was looking for her" LUke admitted. 

"Oh you brought me flowers!" Mallory grabbed the orchids from Luke and inhaled them deeply. LUke hesitated, reaching out for them awkwardly.  "Beautiful! But you should really be giving flowers to Tully, what will she think?" 


"Tully! Look, Luke got me flowers!" Mallory waved them around. 

"Luke got you flowers?" Tully questioned confused. 

"Mallory stop tormenting the boy he is going to burst." Larys instructed. Mallory chuckled handing them back. 

"Fine, fine but next time, I like roses." Mallory informed him. Luke turned to tully. 

"These are for you, my beloved." Luke held the orchids out and Tully took them gently, smiling into them. She took a deep breath and sighed as she exhaled. 

"Thank you, thats so sweet." Tully answered. 

"Can I steal you?" Luke questioned. 

"No we have-" Mallory began but Larys poked his cane at her. "Ow." Mallory demanded her gaze turning sharply to Larys. 

"Go on Tully." Larys assured. "MAllory will find her own entertainment." 

"THanks Larys." Mallory grumbled. 

"Bye!" Tully declared, the biggest smile on her face before grabbing Luke's hand. "How are you?"

"I'm good, great really. Great now that you are here." Luke assured. "I have... I have been setting up my chambers... mother said that when we are wed you could move into my chambers so she gave me a big room." Tully blushed, she couldnt imagine living anywhere else but at home, her brother larys room beside hers. "I'm not trying to... I mean... I just wanted your opinion, I dont want you to think that I'm-"

The last time she had been in a room of the castle, pulled into a room, she had been violated. Luke must have sensed her nerves. She knew luke wouldnt hurt her but it hadnt been all that long since Aegon and Tully was nervous.  Nervous about that. What would come after they wed. She hoped that by then she would be past this but right now it made her nervous.

"Ummm never mind, its a mess in there." Luke assured. "We can go play in the waters? I'm not the best on a boat but I'm a good swimmer." Luke added. 

"I would like that." Tully agreed. "We should invite Mallory and Larys." 

"Okay," Luke agreed.

"I will meet you down by the shores." Tully suggested. "I'm going to bring these home and stick them in a vase." she added smiling at her flowers. 

"Yeah, sure... see you soon then." Luke begged. TUlly nodded turning around. "JACE!" Luke whined. "Why am I an idiot?"

"I'm sure I could tell you many reasons." Jace teased. 

"I'm serious! I scared Tully away!"

"What did you do?" Jace countered. 

"I wanted her opinion on my room, it will be ours one day if she doesnt hate me." Luke whined. 

"Your room- wait... mother gave you the big room didnt she?" Jace demanded. 

"Yeah, I am to be married."

"So am I!" Jace shouted. "I see, oh I see, you are the favorite i'm just her heir!"

"What? I didnt do anything, she said since you are to be wed, it seems silly to move into a chamber just to change chambers in a year." Luke answered. "Maybe she wants to send you to dragonstone." 

"Why are you making me want to rip your head off?" Jace demanded. 

"Blame mother, I'm her perfect angel... if you will excuse me, I have a swimming date with Tully.... and mallory and larys." He added in a grumble. 

"I thought you were failing and scaring her away?" Jace countered. 

"I'm better than you, so I think I can handle this." Luke decided. "We are just going to go slow."

"Not much of a swimmer." Larys reminded Tully as they got to the shores. 

"I just thought it would be more fun with all of us." Tully offered. 

"What happened?" Larys questioned as Criston picked up Mallory, tossing her over his shoulder and dumping her in the waters. 

"Nothing, he was sweet and I just..."

"What Tul?" Larys whispered grabbing her hand. 

"He wanted my opinion on his chambers, said it would be ours one day and I just... freaked out over nothing. He was trying to be sweet and considerate and I'm... im just full of baggage and he is going to realize I'm not worth it."

"Tully you went through something awful. It is going to take time, you take all the time you need." Larys assured. "And if you need me to... handle anyone. I will." 

"TULLY!" Luke shouted waving as he ran towards them. 

"He's sweet. I was just being weird." Tully assured. "I'm okay now." Larys nodded taking a seat on the bench.

"Come on." Luke pulled off his shirt and grabbed Tully's hand running into the waters. Larys smiled back at them, he loved seeing his sister so free. Her thick black hair turned straight as she dove under the waters. Luke laughed out shaking his hair out, spraying water around. Criston picked up Tully from behind and tossed her back in beside Mallory. Tully shrieked before the laughed out with a splash. Luke couldnt wait to be taller and stronger, so he could pick Tully up and hold her closer so effortlessly. 

"Beautiful day." Willa Swann remarked as she passed, Larys gaze shifted to her. He nodded, his mouth moved wordlessly. 

"Yes." Larys agreed but she was already gone. 

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