26. Science

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I Can do it with a broken heart/ Joffrey Baratheon / Rieka Stark out now!

Tully was late. She was late. Mallory was getting what she wanted. She was late and she was surely pregnant.

Barely test was most effective but it was gross. When Larys and Criston walked in on the scene they both quickly turned around averting their eyes. 

"It's science!" Mallory called out. "Very advanced!" 

"Well?" Tully questioned stepping aside. 

"It takes time to bloom."

"Like the normal amount of time it would take to bloom if it would bloom anyways or like-" Tully sputtered out as they crouched begging the barley to grow. It didnt really matter if she was pregnant and knew right now or in a moon, she still wouldnt have a baby for another nine. 

"It will bloom and you will be-"

"Why are you staring at wed barley?" Luke questioned. 

"It's a pregnancy test, hush."

"Pregnancy test, but Mallory you are clearly pregnant." Luke chuckled. 

"You are a dick you know that?" Mallory sassed. 

"I didnt call you fat."

"You just did!" Mallory spat back. 

"No its just... um... tully help." Luke begged. 

"Its for me, Luke." Tully clarified. 

"What is?"

"The weird test." Tully went on as she moved to Luke. 

"We are having a baby?"

"Waiting on the barley, just me over here, ms fatty!" Mallory sassed glaring back at them. "watching urinated on barley." 

"You peed on the floor?" Luke questioned. 

"Mallory said it was the best test." Tully agreed. "I know it felt weird and gross to do it." Tully added. 

"We might be parents?"

"I mean one day we will surely have children." Tully agreed. "And even if this isnt the day that I am pregnant I think you and I will be good parents one day... maybe... we have a lot of time to... Mallory?'

"Still waiting!" Mallory called back. 

"We have a lot of time to prepare either way." Tully offered. 


"I already picked your daughters name!" Mallory shouted back. 

"Can we have a say?" Luke countered. 

"My choice is better." 

"She has changed her choice about four times since she first told me, all the names are good possibilities." Tully offered with a shrug. 

"And if its a boy." Luke put a hand on her stomach. 

"I dont even know if anything it in there beside breakfast." Tully admitted with a laugh. Luke let his hand move to her hip. 

"We can still... you know when you are pregnant right?" Luke questioned his thumb running along her hip. 

"Yes luke you can fuck your wife when she is pregnant." mallory called back. 

"I wasnt talking to you Mallory!" Luke demanded. 

"Then dont shout."

"I was whispering!" Luke corrected. 

"Well I heard it and lets face it, Tully wouldnt know."

"I would too!" Tully objected. "because i know how much you and criston are still at it." 

"Fucking like bunnies." Mallory agreed. "Okay I'm seeing something," tully ran towards mallory and then the three of them were staring at urinated barley. 

"It's blooming, is that-" Luke began but the girls jumped up hugging each other as they jumped in a circle around each other. Luke jumped awkwardly as he looked between them. "Thats good right?"

"We are having a baby!" Tully declared happily. "We are having-" She let go of Mallory and moved to luke kissing him. "We are having a baby luke." 

"Our baby." Luke agreed spinning Tully around. 

"Whats going on?" Jace questioned. 

"We are pregnant!" Tully shouted. 

"Well I'm not." Luke corrected quickly. "But tully is. With my child- so yeah... I guess we are pregnant!" He agreed. "But I'm not carrying the baby-" Tully pinched him to silence him. 

"Great so you can tell mother and she will get off my back." Jace agreed. "Awesome, congratulations, seriously, mother is driving me insane!" 

"You shouldnt have gotten married in the woods." Tully offered. 

"To a stranger." Luke agreed.

"She wasnt a stranger."

"You knew her for a full day before you-" luke countered. 

"Okay I wanted to fuck her I really liked her we got along great and she's hot." Jace agreed. "So I wanted to sleep with her, we made out a lot but then she said no so like a gentleman that I am-" Jace added as if he should get bonus points for being a decent human being. "so I said marry me and we did and then we did the dirty. Cregan almost killed me until he found out that we were wed." Jace explained. 

"Yeah there is no saving you." Luke corrected. 

"Oh Tully!" Larys held his little sister, he knew this day would come but he didnt realize how much it would hurt his heart knowing she was making a new family without him. She would forget about him before they knew it. 

"You are going to be the best uncle/ grandpa larys ever!" TUlly declared. Just like his worries faded and he held close to his little girl. 

Rhaenyra was just as happy but she was still furious with her eldest. 

"I'm the favorite." Was all Luke had to say as Rhaenyra praised her baby boy, her Lucerys and screamed bloody murder at Jace for being so foolish, so reckless, so like minded to herself. That was the real reason she was mad at jace, harder on Jace. He was her heir and he was making the same mistakes she did. She wished she could apologize to her father now that she knew what a rebellious little shit her own son could be. 

Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon (2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant