23. Single Soul

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Dress / Gregor Clegane / Davina Targaryen out now!

The day was finally here. Luke felt like he was waiting for this day for a lifetime. He was so nervous he forgot everything about weddings.

"Does my father walk me down the aisle?"

"Thats only the bride." Jace corrected.

"Phew! That's good because our father is dead. Not that her brotherly substitute wouldn't be as wonderful like tully and larys."

" breathe, Luke, breathe ." Jace instructed

"Im glad you are back im freaking out." Luke declared, wide eyed.

"I can tell." Jace agreed fixing lukes tie.

"Did you bring back... the stark girl? Whats her name again?"

"Sara and she is with her brother im going to stand by them and tell mother tomorrow my plans to wed her." Jace remarked.

"Because telling her today would ruin my wedding." Luke added


"Glad we understand each other."

"I'm getting married!" 

"YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Mallory squealed. "Oh Tully I literally never thought this day would come, look at me! I'm fat! YOu took forever!" 

"Mallory!" Tully laughed out. 

"I'm serious!" 

"Me too! It wasnt forever." TUlly added. 

"Tell that to my stomach." Mallory countered. 

"Hello ladies," Larys peered in. "Oh Tully, you look beautiful. I wish mother was here to see you now... you look like her." He added softly. 

"I do?" Tully questioned. Larys didnt speak much of Tully's mother, just whenever he did he always said she looked like her mother, was sweet like her mother. 

"You do, so beautiful, when did you become a grown woman? I blinked and here you are, Tully." Larys whispered feeling tears sting his eyes. She was perfect in every way. 

"I'm going to be wed today." Tully repeated beaming as she hugged her big brother. "I wouldnt have survived this long without you Larys." Tully added and he kissed her forehead, holding her close, wishing he could turn back time and keep her young and innocent forever. 

"You are stronger than you know." Larys corrected. "You will always be Tallulah Rose Strong."

Luke was so nervous, he sweat through two shirs while Tully finished getting ready before he heard the horns begin to play. Jace stood beside Sara Snow and Rhaenyra's eyes when wide. 

"What of Rhaena?" She hissed when Jace kissed Sara, his hand in hers. 

"Hush mother, please. Luke is getting married." Jace tsked. "Lets not make a fuss."

"Make a-" Rhaenyra gaped back at her eldest. 

"Oh, she looks beautiful." Sara cooed. "When will we tell them?" 

"Hush." Jace whispered kissing her cheek. 

Holding each other and talking until the sun started to set. Hours always seemed to fly by whenever Luke and Tully were together, and today had been no different. How had a single day felt more like twenty? And now they were to be wed. Maybe the time passed faster than he realized, he was so eager to wed her but now he was so nervous. 

The doors opened and Luke's heart surely stopped as Tully appeared, her eyes locked on him as she held to Larys for balance and support. Larys knew that when they got down the aisle that he would have to let her go, he didnt want to let her go but he trusted Lucerys to treat her right. 

Larys pressed a kiss to Tully's temple before reluctantly letting her go, he did all he could, he had to trust her to be able to walk in this world without holding his hand. But he would always be near enough for his little sister. 

"Hi." Luke whispered holding her hands. 

"Hi." Tully echoed, giggling as she took a step closer. 

"They are such children.'' Mallory mused. 

'Let it be known that Lucerys of House Targaryen and Velaryon and Tallulah of house Strong are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.''

Tully repeated as did Luke and just like that one step closer literally to each other unable to be apart from each other a moment longer. ''from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed. Almost wed, almost a married woman. Tully's heart fluttered. 

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.''

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Luke agreed but he let out a shaky breath. "Can I have a moment more?" The septon nodded. 

"Whats wrong?" tully questioned hesitantly. 

"Tallulah Rose Strong, I take thee to be my love, in sunshine and rain, in lean times and in plenty, in sickness and in health. Under the starry night sky and over the rainbow. I promise to love you forever and a day."  Luke declared. 

"Oh luke!" Tully declared kissing him.

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Lucerys of House Velaryon ... Talluah of House Strong, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.''

"Forever." Tully agreed holding tight to him. 

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Larys remarked. Willa smiled back at him, he didnt realize he wasnt alone, he took a sip of his drink. 

"Thats beautiful." Willa remarked. 

"Its just what it seems like for... my sister." Larys offered nervously. 

"Have you ever felt like that?" 

"I..." Larys swallowed the lump in his throat. "I can't say I have."

Lucerys mouth crashed down to Tully's, and he surrendered to the combustible cocktail of impatience and lust and love, drowning them both. She moaned into his mouth, opening fully beneath him and inviting him to plunder her sweet depths. But this wasn't a surrender. It was challenge for control, and the last threads tying him to where he was began to unravel. 

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