12. Harwin

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Sit Still Look Pretty / Tywin Lannister out now!

Tully couldnt focus on her studies, she was glad she didnt have to deal with learning a whole new language though like Luke. 

Luke grumbled his forehead dropping to the desk. Tully chuckled reaching out and rubbing her hand over his back. 

"I can't do it." he murmured into the desk. 

"Sure you can, it's in your blood." Tully offered spinning his notes to her. She ran a finger over the words. "Okay it looks like gibberish to me." TUlly admitted. Luke leaned into her. 

"I have a better idea." Luke whispered. 

"What's that?" Tully pondered. 

"DItch lessons and come hang out with me instead." Luke requested. 

"I'm already with you, silly." Tully countered. 

"Yeah but like a proper date, not this." Luke countered. 

"A proper date." Tully repeated. Luke nodded eagerly. 

"Come on, let me treat me girl so something fun." He requested. 

"Alright," Tully agreed. 

"Yes." Luke whispered tucking his chin to his chest before smiling back at her. He tossed his notes aside and jumped off reaching out for her hand. "What shall we do?" 

"How about a ride?" Tully suggested. "It's so lovely out." 

"A ride it is!" Luke agreed. "I'm a good rider, I will aim to impress."  They saddled their horses and climbed on, Luke smiled softly as he took the reigns. 

"Something wrong?" Tully questioned as she led her house out of the stables.

"Your brother, Harwin used to take us riding." Luke remarked. "He taught me how to... get on a horse, how to sit and hold the reigns." Luke recalled. 

"Me as well, he was a skilled rider, had a gentleness with the horses, that he lacked with others." Tully murmured. 

"Do you miss him?" Luke pondered. He knew what people said and since Luke and Tully's engagement people said it louder but TUlly and Luke didnt listen to others voicing their intrusive opinions.

"Sometimes." Tully admitted. "But I have always had Larys, he always took such good care of me." 

"He is a good brother." Luke agreed as they headed out. 

"Do you miss your father?" Tully questioned. "Laenor," she clarified when he tensed. He relaxed, thinking wait are we talking about the same person? 

"It is hard to miss a man that wasnt there often. He was always running off to fight in little wars, mother wanted him to man up, I heard her say it a million times back then, but I never understood for what. He wanted to go and fight, I wanted to be like him... Jace doesnt like Daemon." Luke added. 

"Why not?" Tully pondered. 

"Because he is... difficult." Luke answered vaguley.

"What do you think of Daemon?" Tully questioned. 

"It doesnt really matter what I think, mother loves him and thats what matters." Luke answered obediently. 

"What you want matters too." Tully countered. 

"I got you so if mother wants to love Daemon even though he is a temperamental man child- Jace's words-" Luke added quickly. "Then so be it. I dont see him much anyways."

"He won't ever compete with your father." Tully agreed. 

"He isnt even trying to." Luke countered, she slowed her horse to a walk as they got to the tree line. "Not since mother had the twins, never really. He never put in an effort. Your brother stepped up when your father passed... he took on the role well, didnt he?"

"He did, marvelously." Tully agreed. 

"Daemon didnt try. He didnt want to get to know us. He wanted Jace to be his little soldier but Jace doesnt like him, he's worried that Daemon has too much power." Luke admitted. "I'm sorry I shouldnt have said anything-"

"Luke, we are to be married." Tully countered. "I want you to tell me your concerns and fears, your joys and victories." Tully assured reaching out a hand and he grabbed it from atop his own horse. "I want to know everything. I wont tell a soul if you dont want me to. We are to be wed, that is a sacred thing." Luke nodded, grateful to have someone like Tully in his life. 

"Daemon is... a pain in the ass." Luke admitted, Tully giggled out. 

"I dont think I have ever heard you cuss." Tully realized. Luke blushed as they continued on their way. 

They started skipping more lessons and going for more rides, Tully loved their alone time with each other and nature. Luke opened up more his family, about his relationship with Harwin that Tully hadnt realized they had. Luke was similar to mallory because he never ran out of things to say with Tully. But maybe that was love. Falling in love with someone and being able to sit in complete silence and it not being awkward or talking for hours and never running out of things to say. 

"He used to do that to me too." Tully declared, they had a picnic today, Luke poured them more spiced juice. "I always loved it." 

"He was sort of like a big brother to me and Jace when we were little." Luke realized. "He was always looking out for us. I of course loved it because he brought you along." LUke added. "I fell in love with you ages ago, Tallulah Strong." 

"Sorry it took me so long to catch up." 

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