24. Thats an Order

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Truth is / Ned Stark Out now!!

Three Days after the wedding

"So?" Mallory questioned. She knew that Tully's experience with sex was minimal and violent. She had assumed that Tully was okay considering she hadnt seen much of her after the wedding.

"It was nice." Tully agreed.

"Nice? Thats all I get?" Mallory countered. Tully chuckled.

"He was sweet and attentive and..." Tully blushed. "He was perfect." Mallory brought a hand to her heart.

"I'm so glad." Mallory agreed hugging her. "You pregnant yet?" She questioned urgently.

"Mallory!" Tully laughed out.

"What? It's been two nights since the wedding that is more than enough time." Mallory assured.  "In fact it really only takes one-"

"Mallory! Let me enjoy being married before you command my womb to host a child."

"Normally i would agree. Because i love you but I have a baby growing inside me."

"Then she will be four moons elder than mine and we will truly have a mini mallory and a mini tully on our hands." Tully decided. Mallory wrapped her arms around tully dramatically.

"You are so smart!"

"Whats wrong larys?" Criston questioned. He glanced to criston hesitantly. "You have been staring at your cup for ten minutes."

"I wasnt aware I was being watched so closely," larys replied with a calculated answered

"Sorry." Criston agreed leaning back. There were benefits to a young wife and disadvantages. But one would never say that marrying mallory lannister was a disadvantage.

Criston was waiting by the fire beside larys as Mallory and tully caught up. Larys wanted to see his sister as well but knew better than to interfere with Mallory time.

"You excited to be a father?" Larys questioned after a long moment.

"Im terrified. I mean im excited but... how did you do it? For tully I mean." Criston pondered.

"Well Tully is my sister." larys reminded him.

"Yes but..." criston urged. "Come on help me out."

"Tully was easy for the most part. I didnt have to do the baby duty. Not full time at least. My brother and father and I took turns."

"Because her mother died." Criston recalled.

"Yes and then father and Harwin passed tragically," larys added. "Leaving Tully and I." Larys agreed. "She was always the most like minded with me. She loved reading and cooking. She always knew what to do or say... the hard part isnt as much the parenting. Its letting them go," larys realized.

"What do you mean?"

"Tully got married. She moved into a wing of the castle with Luke." Larys remarked he lifted the glass but it didnt meet his lips. "I-"
He put his glass down and clasped his hands in his lap. A heavy breath filled him as the fire crackled between them. "I miss the days of bed time stories and nightly tuck ins. I miss her begging one more story Larys." His face turned away slightly in the memory. "I miss the days we would cuddle up on the couch and she would look at me like im the best thing in the world. Like all we ever needed was each other... parenting is one thing, you can protect them and raise them good but its the rest of the world that I find is the problem."

"Im sure mallorys father thought I was the problem." Criston agreed.

"Yes hormonal boys and men were always a concern of mine." Larys agreed. "Its hard letting go and not have that fear that they are okay without you."

"I suppose i have a few years before I have to start worrying about that." Criston mused.

"Yes." Larys agreed. "But knowing Mallory she will have the child trained better than a dog in no time." Criston laughed out. Larys chuckled he liked this feeling. This feeling of having a friend. Maybe he could let tully go a little bit more.

"Goodnight lady Willa. Bring some sweets home for Stephen." Larys gaze shifted at willa Swanns name but heard little else of what the cook was saying. He focused on Willas smile until Mallory came out blocking his line of sight.

"Larys," tully declared hugging him. Larys held tight. "I missed you. It was so strange waking up in the castle for the past two nights a married woman."

"I bet he made you feel like a princess!" Mallory declared. Tully blushed.

"Come on Mallory. Let larys and tully catch up." Criston suggested.

"Okay but not too long." Mallory pointed a finger back at tully.

"You were with her the past hour let larys see his baby sister." Criston corrected urging her along. Mallory objected that her talk with tully was important. Criston threw her over his shoulder.

"You have a baby to make." Mallory declared as criston marched her away. "I will send luke your way! Make a friend for my future child Tully! Thats an order!"

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