21. Snow

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"Do we really have to wait for jace?" Luke questioned.

"Hes your brother." Tully agreed.

"What if we never find him?" Luke countered. "Do we never wed?"

"nonsense we just try a little harder. It takes time for ravens to fly-"

"What if hes not at winterfell and our efforts are futile?"

"Gross Sara put some proper clothes on" Cregan instructed his little sister. She smirked back at him grabbing the raven. "Who answers the door without pants?"

"A woman that would rather wear her mans clothes instead."  Sara answered. She flopped down on the bed beside jace he was still fast asleep. She kissed along his chest gently. Jace shifted his hand reaching out to her in his dreams. She snuggled back into his side tossing the letter aside.

"Morning." Jace whispered. 

"Morning, you got a raven and Cregan is forever scarred." Jace peeled an eye open. "He doesnt approve but I love you so I dont care." She assured. 

"I love you." Jace agreed kissing her. "A raven you say?" She reached for it passing it off. "It's from the capital."

"You keep getting distacted when you go to write them back." Sara agreed. 

"Someone is very distracting." Jace agreed, he pulled it open, breaking the seal and stared down at the words. 

I'm getting married, get your frozen ass down here as soon as possible or I'm going to come up there and embarrass you in front of your new girl. Dont be a shithead, you promised you would come, so come so I can finally marry my girl.
Your impatient brother, Luke.

"Luke is getting married." Jace remarked. "You want to head down to the capital? Be my date?"

"meet your family." sara added. 

"Yeah, they will be there. I will warn you that my mother still probably thinks I'm to marry my step sister." 

"Targaryen customs are weird." Sara mumbled. 

"Yeah." Jace agreed. "But if it helps she was my cousin and then became my step sister when my great uncle married my mother, her uncle..."

"Weird." Sara repeated. "I can't wait to meet them!" 

"Good... because I believe luke will come up here if we dont head done quickly. He has been in love with Tallulah since he was old enough to know what love was." Jace added as he got dressed. "Can I have my shirt back?"

"Nope, its mine." Sara corrected. 

"It looks better on you." Jace agreed.

"Can we fly there?" Sara whispered kissing him. 

"We better or else it will take forever." Jace agreed. 

"You think your mother is going to hate me?" 

"I think because i love you, she will have to love you too." Jace corrected. 

"He is coming home?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"I asked him to come home, I want him here for this." Luke agreed. "But if he isnt back at the end of the fortnight I'm going to say screw it and marry my girl!" Luke declared. 

"You have been really patient." Rhaenyra remarked. "I'm glad you could find love." 

"Thats all jace wants too, to find love." Luke countered. "thats why he left."

"I know." Rhaenyra murmured. "But we all have our duties, I married your father because it was my duty. You were able to get out of your union because we had something to offer them. It's different for Jace. I wont be naming Rhaena my heir."

"I get it but... a loveless marriage? You dont want that for either of us." 

"Maybe love grows." 

"Maybe they kill each other with hatred before they conceive an heir." Luke countered honestly. 

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