33. Rider

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"We got a rider." Luke remarked.

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"My half brother. Addam. He got my fathers dragon..." Luke added. Luke knew that Seasmoke needed a rider and part of him wished he could have claimed Seasmoke, tried to be closer to his father but he already had a dragon. It was selfish to think he could claim another.

"Maybe he thinks that its Laenor." Mallory offered. "I wouldnt let him take Vivi up there. "She added.

"Luke are you sure this is safe?" Tully repeated.

"Daemon said-"

"Well if daemon said," Mallory drawled rolling her eyes to Tully.

"Not helping." Luke hissed. "He said his mother flew with him day one. THis will be easy." Luke assured.

"Luke." Tully whined.

"If you really dont want me to I wont but, she is half targaryen."

"And a lot of strong." Mallory choked out. Tully punched her in the arm.

"She is born to fly."

"You get sea sick flying too far." Mallory chimed in again.

"Will you shut up?" Luke demanded.

"Shes not wrong." TUlly whispered nervously.

"I will protect her with my life."

"Is there going to be an air attack?" Tully demanded. "Is she in trouble?"

"No I just meant... never mind this was a bad idea. We will wait until she is older." Luke assured. Tully held to Vivi like she had almost gotten eaten.

"I'm sorry luke, I'm just so nervous." Tully declared.

"It's okay. Daemon just got in my head. I'm okay with waiting." Luke assured kissing her. He never wanted her to feel like she didnt have a say in their relationship. In their lives, especially about Vivian.

"Sorry I'm being so-"

"She our daughter. It's our choice. If one of us doesn't agree we will work something out. Work together. You are the most important thing in my whole life Tully!" Luke declared. Rhaenyra watched them together and wished her and daemon had a love like that. So unconditional. With their whole hearts.

Rhaenyra knew of daemons affairs but she didn't care. Because he came back to her at the end of it all. Always her.

But with Luke he had his sights set on tully and only tully. She envied that.

Vivi reached out grabbing a chunk of ginger from larys. She gnawed at it.

"I got more vanilla beans for her gums. Picked a few carrots to." Larys added.

"Thanks Larys you are the best!" Tully agreed kissing his cheek.

"Carrots?" Luke countered.

"To suck on." Larys answered.

"You are really smart Larys. You should be a maester." Luke decided.

"Does lady willa know how wonderfully brilliant you are?" Tully questioned. "I can tell her if she doesnt know."

"Let me focus on vivi." Larys requested.

"How are things with lady willa?" Luke questioned.

"Stay out of my love life." Larys requested.

Tully snuggled up next to Luke after dragging him away from vivi. He loved their daughter so much. She was going to be a daddys girl no doubt.

Tully held Luke hostage with her limbs interwoven around his.

"I feel like I'm competing for your attention." Tully informed him.

"What?" Luke demanded turning to face her.

"You and vivi. You two are so cute together. Im competing with another woman," tully tsked.

"You are the only one for me." Luke corrected. But vivi cried out and Luke bolted off the bed. "Daddy's here! Daddy's here!" Luke declared. Tully smiled leaning back in bed. "Which was for her... what was it? Teeth stuff."

"Rub the vanilla on her gums." Luke held up a vanilla bean stalk. "You have to-" she got up and sliced it open. "This is the vanilla on the inside. It's actually quite bitter tasting but larys says it's supposed to help and i believe him." She smeared some onnher finger and rubbed along vivis gums. Vivi smiled back at her. "As the teeth come in it hurts."

"Its strange to think we were all babies at one point." Luke remarked. "And now we have a baby of our own."

"Growing up is weird."

"Whatever happened to going to the rock and avoiding responsibilities?" Mallory whined

"We had kids." Tully answered.

"Why is luke so perfect with vivi? Criston is a failure-" Mallory whined.  Criston glared back at her. "Thats what i get for marrying an old man."

"Hey!" Criston objected.

"Luke jumps up the moment vivi screams or whines while we rock paper scissors for it,"
Mallory countered.

"I don't see you jumping up in the middle of the night either." Criston countered.

"Do you ask Luke to get up?"

"I wish he stayed in bed longer ." Tully corrected. "He can't bear to be apart from her for long. It's so sweet."

"See criston?"

"WE all parent differently." Willa swann remarked as she passed. "There is not to say one is right and one is wrong. All parents can do is try their best and try not to compare themself to others success and failure."

"Wonderfully put." Tully agreed.

"How do i help jace?" Luke questioned once vivi was asleep. "He likes sara and thinks he will be killed by cregan if he goes back on their sketchy union. But mother will kill his if he goes back on his deal with our grandparents. I don't know how to help."

"You know the saying when one door closes-"

"You are left standing on the other side all alone?" Tully offered. Larys chuckled.

"I don't think that's the saying."

"What are you saying?" Luke pondered.

"Everything happens for a reason. We just have to wait and see what reason the Gods have for jace snd his future," larys offered.

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