13. Really Kiss Her

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"I grew overnight!" Luke declared proudly. 

"How can you tell?" Mallory countered. 

"Because look." He moved to Tully, who was beside Larys talking in the not so distant region. Larys glanced to Luke confused on his proud strut towards them. 

"Incoming." Larys warned, Tully turned confused, but a smile covered her face when she saw Luke. 

"Hi wha-" BUt Luke kissed her cheek and she silenced. Luke looked back at Mallory, she narrowed her eyes confused. 

"I grew overnight, I think a full inch." Luke remarked. Tully laughed out as he grabbed her hand. 

"How do you figure?"  Tully countered. 

"I didnt have to stretch my neck or lean up to kiss you. When I saw you this morning, I kissed your cheek easily. I grew, I'm finally growing- you are not allowed to get any taller." Luke added. Tully chuckled bumping her hip into him. 

"I wouldnt mind if you got a little bit taller." Tully agreed. 

"I want to be a man you can look up to." Luke countered. 

"Your height doesnt accomplish that in the ways that matter." Larys added. "What matters most is your actions and how you react to situations. How you treat the people around you..."

"Put good in the world, get good back." Tully agreed. 

"I still want to be taller, like my father." Luke added. "But I will be good on the inside too." Tully chuckled. 

"I know you will, you already are." she assured. 


Jace stared with utter hatred at Tully. Luke whacked him over the back of the head. 

"Stop staring at my girl." 

"You get to marry for love." Jace griped back. 

"Yes because I'm mothers favorite." Luke agreed boldly.  Jace stared down at him. "Maybe you like Rhaena... or Baela... I can't tell them apart." Luke admitted. "They are pretty..." he offered. 

"You marry her then." 

"No way!" Luke shouted as if that was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever said. "I'm in love with Tully we are to be wed, if I didnt have to see another woman every again except for my Tully I would be okay with that." 

"You are down bad for her." Jace realized. "I want that." 

"Of course  you do, love is something amazing." Luke agreed. "It's all consuming and- TULLY!" She waved back at him from Mallory's side. 

"He's so smitten with you its sweet." Mallory decided. "You know he is going to want to please you in all ways." Mallory added with a sly wink. Tully blushed at the thought. 

"I... love him but I'm not ready for that." Tully countered. 

"Of course not," Another wink. "Have you two had a sleep over yet?"

"No." Tully corrected. "Why?"

"Because you get that boy alone and he is going to keep kissing you until your head spins." Mallory decided. "Thats what Criston does when we are alone, usually to keep me from leaving. It works."

"We kiss." 

"But like a real kiss."

"What do you mean?" Tully countered. 

"Watch and learn honey." Mallory strut over to Criston, his arms wrapped around her lifting her up off the ground to kiss her better. Her feet kicked up as her arms latched around his neck. Tully watched their lips mingle, watched Criston's hands squeeze Mallory's ass as she wrapped her legs around his hips. 

Mallory jumped down wiping his bottom lip before strutting back to Tully. 

"Like that." 

"If I jumped onto Luke he would fall over." Tully laughed out. 

"Kiss him like that." Mallory countered. "You know you want to." Tully did want to. More than their pecks. 

"Okay." Tully agreed. 

"Okay?" Mallory questioned. 

"I'm going to do it." Tully agreed. "We are engaged, we are moving to slowly, I want to kiss him. Really kiss him." 

"Thats my girl!" Mallory declared clapping out. 

"Dont watch though." Tully added.

"Come on! You saw me and Criston-"

"YOu love flaunting your love." Tully countered. 

"True enough, oh Tully..."


"Have fun. It doesnt matter if its messy and awkward as long as you two are having fun." 

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