30. Like a Lady

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Aurora Lannister. Cole. Cole! Mallory Cole. Criston begged. We are married, he reminded her. For what felt like the millionth time. Lannisters were proud. Mallory chuckled whispering Aurora Lannister down her daughter. 

"Aurora, you are so perfect." Tully whispered. 

"I agree, of course. Now pop out your baby." 

"It's not time yet!" Tully corrected swatting Mallory's hand away. 

"Luke is certainly nervous enough, you would think it was time to start pushing." Mallory countered. 

"He just doesnt want... Luke!" Tully called out waving him over. "He just wants to do everything right. He never really had a father. After Laenor passed- and he was around so little for them, and Daemon isnt much of a father at all to him. He just wants to be the best for this little girl or boy." Tully assured. 

"Girl." Mallory assured. 

"Luke have you seen Larys?" Tully questioned. 

"I saw the nursery and all the toys, did you know people showered us with gifts for this baby?"  Luke questioned. "It filled up the whole room." 

"Well you are the future of the realms." Mallory agreed. 

"No I'm not. Jace is." Luke corrected. 

"Jace married a bastard from Winterfell and is going to be killed off by Corlys and Rhaenys before he ever gets a chance to be king." Mallory corrected sternly. 

"What!" Luke shouted. 

"She's mainly joking." TUlly assured before shooting a glare at her best friend. "Mallory!"

"What? It's not an illogical idea." Mallory offered. 

"JACE!" Luke shouted marching off. 

"I like Sara, she is sweet." Tully offered. 

"Jace just wanted to fuck her, their wedding was a sham to appease Cregan. I mean, he's so sexy I saw him at the wedding and so scary too. Like I wouldnt want him up my- thats a lie, I would want him up my ass but not in the way he probably threatened to shove a blade up Jace when he found Jace with his little sister." 

"MALLORY!" Tully demanded. "Dont listen little Rory." Tully begged. "Your mama is a weirdo." 

"Trust me, we bonded for nine moons, she knows all about me."

"And your mental cheating on your husband?" Tully questioned. 

"Duh." Mallory agreed. "Oh i read an absolutely scandalous book, i will give it to you-"

"I dont want a scandalous book." Tully objected. 

"Sure you do. It's better than sex when your vag is torn apart." Mallory assured. 

"Mallory!" Tully gasped out through giggles. 

"I dont watch people fuck, I read my porn, like a lady."

"Like a lady."


"What happened?" Tully questioned.

"What?" Larys countered.

"You went awol for almost a fortnight." TUlly clarified.

"I did not." larys corrected.

"Were you with Willa?"

"Maybe but... I... I wonder if I scared her off." Larys admitted. "We were... on the couch-"

"Scandalous!" Tully teased, Larys rolled his eyes.

"And then she started crying, we were just... cuddling and then..."

"Did you say something? Did she?" Tully questioned urgently.

"No, I mean I did but- nothing bad. I didnt think so. I... I'm falling in love with her and I dont know if I scared her off." Larys admitted.

"Oh Larys thats so wonderful, she is wonderful! So what happened?"

"She got up and left and..." Larys reached out touching her very pregnant stomach.

"Thats it?"

"I asked to walk her back but she ran off." larys agreed.

"I dont know larys, thats weird. Maybe shes hormonal. Mallory gets testy on her bleedings." TUlly offered.

"I dont think it was that." Larys admitted. "Lets talk about you honey, how you are feeling?"

"Good, good, i'm huge but... Mallory and Criston are already showing me all the things not to do so they are like a tester for when this baby comes." Tully admitted. "You want me to talk to Willa?"

"No, I dont want to seem like i'm pushing my sister upon her." Larys countered softly.

"I dont mind. She liked me."

"Of course she did, you my sweet are wonderful." Larys agreed. "You are going to be a great mother."

"I hope so." She agreed. "Talk to lady Willa. If you really like her just walk over there and talk to her, try to work things out, see if whatever she was going through was something you can help with."

"And if she just hates me?" Larys whispered.

"She could never hate you Larys. You are the best man in the world and the best brother and the best-"

"You might be biased." Larys countered.

"Mallory says it too." Tully corrected kissing his cheek. "Now help me up and go find your girl."

"Yes ma'am."

Larys hoisted Tully up and then paced and paced before finally heading to Willa's home. But she wouldnt be home yet, no she was usually at work but he didnt see her around the castle yet.

He could linger and wait but what if she didnt like him lingering and thought he was stalking her? That would be awful. No, he would just... he was already walking to her house. His brain and legs not listening to each other. Brain said just go home. Legs said fuck that lets go get our girl, you heard Tully. So he headed off. A heavy sigh filled him, he couldnt do this. But it was too late the voice of an angel met his ears. 

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