14. Removing Body Parts

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"I really should be going." Luke realized but he didnt get up from the couch. He couldnt if he wanted to. Not that he wanted to. Tully was laying with her head in his lap.

"Its storming like crazy. I dont want you walking home in that." Tully countered. "Stay. "


"What?" Larys bit back.

"On the couch." Tully added quickly.

But on the couch turned into not the couch.

Luke lay beside tully on her bed above the blankets. She smiled resting her forehead against his.

When he kissed her she leaned innclosing her eyes. At her approval he put his hand on her waist inchingnher closer.

There was a small knock on the door as it opened and tullu pulled back tucking her chin down.

Larys snapped his fingers at luke and jabbed his thumb to the door. Luke quickly got up and Tully pursed her lips trying to remain in a sleep like state.

"What did I say?" Larys whisper shouted.

"Sorry Larys. We just sort of fell asleep-" Luke offered.

"You are not asleep which means you are-"

"I'm really sorry. It wont happen again. I promise. I just like being close to her." Luke added softly his face turned down. Larys liked Luke, he was sweet to Tully but he was a teenage boy which meant he would start thinking with his wrong head and Larys did not approve of that for his little sister, not until they were wed.

"Couch." Larys demanded pointing a finger at the couch. "You move again. I remove you from this house in pieces." Larys warned. Luke ran to the couch plopping down. "I dont have to check on you again do I?" Larys questioned staring back at him.

"No sir." Luke assured. "I will be right here. All night. I won't move at all." Luke agreed. "Good night." Larys stared at him another moment before walking off and closing Tully's door, she got up and moved to the door to check on Luke but Larys was waiting outside her door. Tully faltered back.

"What are you doing up?" Larys pondered, cocking his head back at her.

"Um... I'm thirsty." Tully whispered.

"I'm sure you are. Back to bed." Larys countered. "Dont make me stand out here all night, Tully I will though." he assured. Tully nodded turning around. She waited about five minutes before opening her door a crack to see Larys leaning against the wall, book in hand, holding it up towards the candle, he glanced up at tully when he heard the door creek.

"I'm..." Larys held out a glass of water.

"Back to bed." Tully nodded closing the door. She lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. Larys was being so unreasonable, they werent going to do anything. Tully got up and hesitated at the door. Larys heard her foot steps pacing back and forth before she finally settled back in bed. Larys waited another ten minutes just to be sure, he went to check on luke, he was fast asleep already. Larys listened to hear if Tully had gotten up again. Once confident that they were not going to be causing trouble, Larys went to bed, leaving his door open just in case.

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