15. So Embarrassing

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Different kind of beautiful / Larys strong/ Vaera Targaryen out now!

"You are so embarrassing." Tully grumbled.

"Tis my job as big brother". Larys agreed sinply.

"Dont you remember what its like to be young and in love?" Tully begged, big brown eyes pleading with him. Larys chuckled his gaze shifting across the courtyard when he saw the woman he was desperately falling for from afar.

"You are young." Larys agreed instead. "And i just want to protect you." Tully grumbled but she understood.

"No threatening Luke." She added quickly.

"I did not such thing. Just a brotherly reminder." Larys assured kissing her forehead.

"Get your ducks in a row they say. But you know what I say!"

"What Tully?" Mallory pondered.

"My ducks are not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are. One of them might even be a pigeon, or a pterodactyl." Tully demanded, Mallory laughed out. "It's not funny."

"It is funny." Mallory corrected.

"Mallory!" Tully whined. "This is serious."

"What happened?"

"Larys kicked Luke out last night."

"What?" Mallory cooed intrigued.

"He fell asleep in my bed and Larys totally kicked him out, we werent doing anything."

"Sure." Mallory winked dramatically.

"We werent... just some kissing." Tully clarified. "And he touched my waist."

"Waist right."

"Just kissing!" Tully assured.

"That was going to lead to..." Mallory prompted.

"Nothing because Larys dragged him out and probably threated him." Tully countered.

"Your brother is awesome." Mallory declared.

"That was not the response I was hoping for." Tully countered confused.

"Larys is a great guy and he's protective." Mallory assured her. "He just doesnt want Luke getting to close before you are actually wed."

"I suppose but... you slept with Criston like on day one-"

"I had to wear him down a bit longer than that." Mallory countered.

"But you wanted to." Tully countered.

"Duh, have you seen my man?" Mallory agreed her gaze drifting to find criston. "Hes a dream boat." Tully giggled.

"Mum is going to have a fit her precious baby boy was tainted!"

"Shut up." Luke grumbled. "We didnt do anything."

"But you wanted to." Jace countered.

"Of course I wanted to! I wanted to kiss her all night long!" Luke agreed. "But Larys kicked me out."

"You wanted more than a kiss." Jace countered. Luke shrugged.

"Maybe a little more. But shes a lady. It wouldnt be proper." Luke corrected shaking his head.

"I remember Aegon saying something about silk streets-"

"La la la la!" Luke covered his ears. "Never speak of him. Anything involving them is just evil."

"If you wanted more Im just saying-"

"From tully. Not some old lady." Luke corrected. "I love tully."

"Hey... i want love." Jace assured. "I just cant find it here-"

"You went to-"

"No." Jace assured. "Mother would kill me." Jace countered. "But I need to go away for a while. Find an adventure before im married off."

"Why are you- you are not telling mother. You are just leaving." Luke realized.

"Do me a solid. Dont tell her. Im going to fly off first thing tomorrow morning when she is in a meeting."

"Where will you go?"

"I dont know. North. South." Jace shrugged. "Promise me you wont tell mother." Luke hesitated. "Promise me! Lucaerys!" Jace demanded. "You wont tell anyone. Promise me!"

"Shes going to find out," luke countered.

"Not until im gone." He countered.

"If she asks I didnt know. But you will be careful right jace?"

"Of course. I will be back before you know it. Back for your wedding as well." Jace assured.

"What do you mean hes-"

"Shhh. I promised I wouldnt tell anyone." Luke countered.

"Isnt it dangerous for him to go off on his own?" Tully countered.

"Yes but..." luke shrugged. "He needs this. I have you- hello larys. As you will notice we are in the open," luke inched away from tully she stumbled into the couch.

"Luke." She murmured.

"We were just talking. Only talking." Luke added. Larys nodded putting a basket on the table.

"I brought back supper." Larys offered. Luke jumped up reaching out a hand for tully. He pulled her up. "Luke please join us."

"Thank you." Luke agreed. He pulled out tullys chair for her and she slumped down.

" I don't know what you said to him, but tell him to knock it off!"

" he's being a proper gentleman I think this is a good thing. Plus he's respecting his elders." Larys corrected.

" he is worried. What did you tell him?" Tully whined.

" I just wanna be the perfect husband for you and that means listening to your brother because he knows what's best and I don't wanna lose any limbs before our wedding night." Luke assured. Tully gaped back at them.


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