18. Fort

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Tully and Joffrey were making a blanket fort in lukes room. It was looking really good too. Luke came in with tray of cookies and a letter from Jace.

"You want to read it Joff?"

"I'm busy!" Joffrey corrected jumping up to try and secure the blanket to the top of the bed post. Tully helped him up.

"I will read it, you want to hear TUlly?"

"Of course!" Tully agreed, putting Joffrey back down on the bed. Joffrey ran to get more pillows.

"Dearest family, I'm free." Luke read off. Tully chuckled. "I went north and met the starks like mother had wanted before, when she thought we were going to war against the Hightowers and the Starks are great." Luke went on. "They are fun and smart, and I'm learning a lot... dont tell mother but I met a girl and I think I'm in love." Tully moved to luke resting her chin on his shoulder. "Her name is Sara... Snow. But she is perfect Luke! She is really perfect- aww he found what we have." Luke added kissing TUlly.

"I'm going to come home for your wedding but not a day sooner, and I'm going to bring the starks with me. Mother won't be able to say no." Tully read off dragging her finger along the words. "I think your mother might have some words to say about it." Tully countered.

"She definitely will." Luke agreed. "Best not show it to her yet then." Luke tucked it in a book. "She will never know." Tully giggled flopping back on the bed.

"Get up! Get up! Not done yet!" Joffrey corrected. Rhaenyra smiled in at them as she passed. Tallulah was a sweet girl. Doted on joffrey. She hoped that when her and daemon had a child, soon she hoped. She wanted more children but daemon was always running off. But she hoped that Tully would be a good aunt like figure to her younger children. Joffrey certainly loved her as well.

"You having fun?" Rhaenyra questioned. Joffrey ran to the door and shoved her out.

"Not ready! Dont look!" Joffrey corrected.

"Okay. Im sorry." Rhaenyra agreed.

They took a break for food and larys stopped by. Tully found him in the library with a woman. They were talking quietly. He was helping her restock the shelves.

"Would you want to sleep over?" Luke pondered. "It would be a shame to waste this fort..." he added as he finished off his plate. Tully hesitated. "I dont mean to imply anything!" Luke added hurriedly. "I just... dont want you to go home."

"I think I can convince larys to let me stay." Tully agreed.

"Really? No pressure. Larys can be kind of scary." Luke added softly.

"He is just protective over me." Tully countered.

"I know. He's a great break brother, unlike my big brother who abandoned me.." he teased.

" you love the attention all on you." Tully countered wiping a bit of food from his lip. He blushed wiping off his face. "Im going to talk to larys now."

"Tully, have you met Lady Willas Swann?" Larys introduced

"Yes. Hello Willa. Lovely to see you again. Might I borrow my brother for but a mere moment?" Tully requested polietly

"Of course." Willa agreed. " you know where to find me Larys." Willa added. Larys stared back at her longingly.

It should be known that tully did not like to lie to her brother, but she also knew without a doubt that he would say no and she really wanted to stay over. She knew nothing would happen. She did she knew it completely because luke was a gentleman and she wasn't ready for that. So she knew she had to fib a little bit.

" I'm staying over at Mallory's tonight. Is that all right? We haven't had a sleepover in forever."

" of course." Larys agreed. "Have fun."

"Thank you larys," tully felt a little bit bad. Okay she felt really bad. "Larys... Im lying." Tully admitted defeated.

"What?" Larys questioned confused.

"I want to stay and have a sleep over with Luke and joffrey. We made a fort and i didnt think you would say yes. Im sorry I lied." Tully added. Larys grabbed her shoulder giving it a tight squeeze.

"Thank you for telling me the truth." Larys answered. "You can stay over and have an innocent no touching sleepover with Luke and joffrey, if thats really what you want."

"Really?" Tully met his gaze.

"Of course sweetie. I have been holding on to tight. I trust you and I know that luke wont take things to far. If you really want-"

"Yes! Thank you Larys. You wont regret this. I promise!" Tully declared kissing his cheek before running off. "Good to go." Tully declared moving to lukes side.

Tully fell asleep beside Luke, her hand in his, their canopy of blankets had started to fall down in the night. It was perfect, it was simple and sweet and innocent. Luke had kissed her goodnight and he didnt want to spend another night apart from her again. 

Tully smelt bacon. Eggs. Baked goods. But most importantly, she smelt a freshly brewed pot of tea, the nectar of the gods. Tully rolled and stretched, forgetting for a moment too long where she was before she stretched right off the bed.

Fear ran through her before she remembered. She had a sleepover with Luke. Innocent and sweet, goodnight kisses and falling asleep in each others arms. Luke came running in and dropped beside Tully.

"Are you okay!" Luke demanded helping her up.

"I just... forgot where I was." Tully admitted. "I fell right off." She added embarrassed.

"You scared me." Luke remarked. 


"I like you being here." Luke whispered. "I like waking up with you." 

"Just wait until the fun we will have when we are married. "

"I really can't wait."

Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon (2)Where stories live. Discover now