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"Places people!" Mallory commanded. "This is the biggest day of our lives!"

"Your life." Larys corrected, Mallory glared back at him. "Our lives." He agreed taking a step back. "I'm going to check on the husband to be." He offered scurrying off.

"Tully I look like a whale." Mallory decided.

"You look like a Goddess!" Tully corrected.

"NO! I was stress eating last night and made myself sick with how much I ate and now I'm bloated and disgusting and he is never going to want to touch me again!" Mallory sobbed out.

"No crying, you just got your face even more perfect, which by the way I didnt think was possible." TUlly added. "Mallory you are my best friend and I would never lie to you. So listen to me when I say what i'm about to say."

"Okay." Mallory agreed.

"You are one sexy goddess and Criston is so lucky so have you."

"Thanks Tul." Mallory hugged her best friend tightly.

"Knock, knock," Tyland peered in. "Oh honey, you look...." he wiped at his eyes.

"NO! NO CRYING!" Mallory commanded. "Because if you cry I cry and I worked too hard to make my face perfect this morning!"

"You just look so grown up." Tyland whispered hugging her. "I'm happy you love him, that you got to marry for love."

"I do." She agreed.

"I will see you out there." Tully added heading out. Luke was waiting for her.

"Hello my betrothed." Luke declared fondly. Luke was only two years younger than tully but she was tall and he was short for his age so she looked down at him. He was quite the opposite of Aemond. His dark hair and sweet smile, how Luke always found her. Luke was the perfect boy.

"Hi." Tully answered.

"You look beautiful." Luke declared as he offered her his hand.

"Thank you." Tully smiled taking his arm in hers. She was wearing a deep blue velaryon dress. "You look very handsome, my betrothed."

Rhaenyra and Larys both agreed on a longer engagement. While LUke was ready to make tully his bride, Larys knew that Tully needed more time for her heart to be ready for that.

"I love that word." Luke decided. "I'm going to love when you call me husband even more though." Tully chuckled blushing as he leaned up kissing her cheek. Luke smiled up at her wide eyed. "I'm really going to love when I get taller and can kiss you better. When I can kiss you whever I want..." Luke added. "If that would be okay that is." Luke looked to her in a panic.

"That would be great." Tully agreed. "I would really like that."

"Awesome." Luke agreed letting out long exhale.

"Tully." Larys waved her over. "Prince Lucerys." He added.

"Hello Lord Larys." Luke answered nervously. Tully leaned into Larys, Larys was the best brother ever. She didnt know why people were scared around him. It wasnt like he went around stabbing people with his cane.

"Here comes the bride, here comes the bride..." Mallory whispered hyping herself up. "Daddy-"

"You want to back out?" Tyland questioned.

"No. Never. Just... dont let me fall- why would you think I wanted to back out?" Mallory demanded.

"You have been more nervous than normal, I never see you worried about anything." Tyland answered. She shrugged.

"This is important. I dont want to mess it up." Mallory offered.

"You wont. That man loves you." Tyland assured. "And I know you love him. I wish you all the love Mallory."

"Thanks dad." Mallory whispered hugging him. "Now, my legs are a bit wobbly, please do not let me fall or else I will never forgive you."

They headed down the aisle and all eyes locked on Mallory, Tully was so happy for her best friend. What happened with the Targaryens seemed like ages ago since mallory had the whole of kings landing and Casterly rock in wedding mode. But the day was finally here.

Luke held to Tully's hand and she smiled down at him. Criston stared teary eyed back at Mallory, it made her smile, yes, cry this took a lot of work and he best appreciate it.

"This will be us one day." Luke remarked.

"I'm glad its you Luke." Tully agreed. "I... I never... I'm just really glad its you."

"Me too." Luke agreed eagerly. Tully leaned over kissing his cheek.

"Who comes before the old gods tonight?"

"Mallory Of house Lannister." Tyland remarked proudly.

"Who claims this woman?"

"Criston of house COle." Criston answered.

"Who gives her?"

"Lord Tyland Lannister, her father."

"Lady Mallory Lannister, Will you take this man?" THe septon questioned.

"I take this man. " Mallory agreed.

'Let it be known that Ser Criston of house Cole and Lady Mallory of house Lannister are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,' Criston agreed pulling her closer. Mallory beamed up at him.

"Mine." Mallory repeated. ''from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed. Tully put a hand to her heart, she loved love. She was always bad with love, she loved the wrong man for ages but now, she had Luke. She didnt have a doubt in her mind that love would grow. She already liked Luke a lot. By the time they were wed, she was sure she would love him immensely.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.' Criston wrapped his cloak around Mallory and she tensed.

"This doesnt match my dress." Mallory grumbled.

"It's just for a moment, let me protect you." Criston chuckled back. Mallory nodded pulling the cloak tighter around herself.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

'Criston," Mallory began instantly. "I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. I pledge to honor you, love you, and cherish you as my husband today and every day. Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad."

'Mallory," Criston answered. "I love you with my whole heart with a passion that can't be expressed in words, only in kisses, glances, and years of adventure by your side.' Criston began. 'Today, I promise to be your best friend and your husband. I promise you myself completely. Your love gives me hope. Your smile gives me joy. You make me a better man. When I am with you, everything else fades to the background. You flood my senses with joy. You are my life, my greatest gift. I'm so lucky to call you my loving wife. My life is forever entangled with yours from this day on."

"Takes two to tango." Mallory whispered kissing him.

"And now we are officially tangled." Criston agreed deepening the first kiss with his wife.

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