32. Vivian

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Vivian Velaryon. 

Mallory was right, it was perfect.

"What happened if we had a boy?" That was lukes question. 

"I spoke to the Gods and said we needed girls together, the next ones can be boys. I have names picked out for them as well although-" Mallory admitted as she put Aurora next to Vivian, "be best friends, like each other now," She instructed. "what was I saying? Oh right. After the first birth, I'm debating another child at all because of my lordy, my everything still hurts and I dont think I ever want Criston near my... regions-" she waved a hand around her entire being. "Ever again." 

"Tully doesnt feel the same way right?" luke countered reaching for Vivi. 

"Probably, you are never getting laid again. I hope you okay with that." Mallory agreed. 

"Umm, Tully?" 


Larys loved being an uncle, loved how good Tully and luke were with their little girl. How well she was already getting along with Aurora after just a few short weeks they were already bonded as if sisters. 

They certainly looked like mini Tully's and Mallory's. Vivi had little black tuffs and dark eyes while Aurora had blonde tuffs and green eyes. The girls were absolutely perfect together. 

"Tully is the best mum ever." luke declared over supper. "She wanted to join us but it was feeding time, so I'm just going to bring her some food instead. I dont want to be apart from them. You understand?"

"Of course, go." Rhaenyra agreed. "I need to speak with Jace anyways." 


"Language." Rhaenyra hissed as Luke ran off plates in hand. Yep Jace was the fuck up and Luke was the golden boy. Sara had went home however to winterfell for a bit while jace handled his mother. Rhaenyra didnt like to be handled. 

Luke was the best dad. He only freaked out a few times when their baby looked like she was going to die but was really just taking a shit. He knew how to properly change her and dressed her in the cutest little dresses just to impress Tully. He doted on them hand and foot. He knew that when Vivi got bigger they would have so much fun flying. Vivi already liked her egg and Luke wanted it to hatch like his own did. wanted tully to see a baby dragon herself, he knew she would love it too. 

"How is it going, Daemon?" Luke questioned. 

"All failures." Daemon answered drinking back another bottle. "But I hear congratulations are in order, you are a father. Good work. It's not hard to be a father however. Probably have a million mini mes running around."

"You think?" Luke questioned.  Daemon nodded. "Then how come you wont give my mother another baby?" Daemon gaped back at him. "I know she wants one..."

"You know nothing of women-"

"My woman loves me." Luke corrected. "So maybe I know more than you." 

"Are you going to help me with these dragons or not?"

"I..." Luke looked back at Tully. 

"Right forgot she snipped your balls." Daemon agreed strutting off. 

"I will meet you there." Luke corrected. He ran up to tully and he gave her a chasted kiss. "I have to help daemon again. Is that okay?"

"We are going to take a nap, right little vivi, dont worry. I know you want him to... be less of a dick to put it nicely." Tully offered. "We are okay. you have been super daddy for the past moon. We will survive a few hours without you." 

"I love you. I will be back soon, I promise!" 

Vermithor, the Old King Jaehaerys' own dragon, bent his neck to a blacksmith's bastard, a towering man called Hugh the Hammer or Hard Hugh, whilst a pale-haired man-at-arms named Ulf the White- for his hair or Ulf the Sot -for his drinking mounted Silverwing, beloved of Good Queen Alysanne. 

Whenever Daemon saw Silverwing he thought of his own mother. Not that she rode silverwing, but because she was beautiful and enchanting. She was roaming the skies like he hoped his mother was still. 

"You take the babe flying yet?" Daemon questioned. 

"She's barely a moon." Luke corrected. 

"My mother took me the same day I was born." Daemon informed him. 

"I dont know, I dont think I would feel safe doing that." 

"I survived." daemon challenged. "I can take the babe out."

"I would not like that." Luke corrected. "I will debate it when Vivi is bigger."

"Her egg hatch?" 

"No." Luke answered. 

"Damn shame." Daemon murmured. 

"I'm sure it will." Luke countered. 

Seasmoke, who had once borne Laenor Velaryon, took onto his back known as Addam of Hull, whose origins remain a matter of dispute amongst everyone in westeros and everyone that knew Laenor Velaryon.

 Addam and his brother, Alyn, one year younger, had been born to a woman named Marilda, the pretty young daughter of a shipwright. A familiar sight about her father's shipyards, the girl was better known as Mouse, for she was "small, quick, and always underfoot." She was still sixteen when she gave birth to Addam, and barely eighteen when Alyn followed. Small and quick as their mother, these bastards of Hull were both silver of hair and purple of eye, and soon proved to have "sea salt in their blood" as well, growing up in their grandsire's shipyard and going to sea as ship's boys before the age of eight.

Luke looked at them and wished he looked more like them but knew that Tully loved him for him and as his mother said often, you are Targaryen thats all that matters. 

Only when Prince Daemon put out the call for new dragonriders did Marilda at last break her silence, claiming both boys were the natural sons of the late Ser Laenor Velaryon. They had his look, it was true, and Ser Laenor had been known to visit the shipyard in Hull from time to time. Nonetheless, many on Dragonstone and Driftmark were skeptical of Marilda's claim, for Laenor Velaryon's disinterest in women was well remembered. None dared name her liar, however...for it was Laenor's own father, Lord Corlys himself, who brought the boys to Prince Daemon's for the Sowing. When Addam of Hull mounted Ser Laenor's dragon, Seasmoke, it seemed to prove the truth of his mother's claims.

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