[RQ] Impossible (Batsis)

281 6 1

Request for AmiraAlGhul

"If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?"

(Y/N) chuckled, "Anything?"


"Mm, well, step one would be to get out of this place. Step two, probably travel the world. I wanna see the Colosseum or the Eiffel Tower. What would you do?"

"Go with you," Jason smirked.

(Y/N) stared at the photo in her hand. Jason was only twelve at the time, his toothy grin stealing the spotlight. His older sister (Y/N) stood next to him, laughing with one hand on his bicep, the other slung around his shoulders. She tucked the photo back into her wallet, then turned her head toward the train's window.

It had been a long time since she last set foot in Gotham. Ten years, to be exact. She hadn't had any contact with Bruce in those years, nor with Dick in five. And Jason—

What does it matter? (Y/N) shook her head at herself, He was gone before I left.

She remembered the day like it was yesterday, getting the news that Jason died. She was in the Batcave, keeping Dick company while he recovered from an injury. When Bruce returned from his patrol, he walked right past them, the Robin suit in his hands.

"Bruce?" (Y/N) remembered saying. Her voice was younger, more innocent than it was now.

"He's gone," was all that Bruce said, "He's gone."

And when she heard that, it felt like her heart was torn in two. She stood, perfectly still, not even breathing. In slow motion, the dam finally broke. She screamed, a gut-wrenching sound that echoed through the loud cave. Her knees gave out, and she fell to the floor, pounding into it with her fists. Dick hobbled over to her, kneeling on the cold platform. He grabbed her elbows, and she fell into his chest, her cries muffled by his shirt.

After Jason's death, she couldn't stand living in Gotham. She couldn't even stand living with Bruce. She grew to hate him, the man that took her in from the streets and put the world in her hands. Still, she hated him. She hated him for not telling her that Jason was in trouble, she hated him for not letting her help, and she hated him for not finding Jason before the explosion that lead to his death. Even though she knew it was unfair, she blamed him entirely for his death.

She knew she had to get away. Her presence was no longer helpful. She was fighting with Bruce, distracting the Batman—but really, it was the look in her little brother's eyes that convinced her. After her final fight with Bruce, she turned her head to look at Dick, and his eyes were glossed over. His gaze bored a hole into the wall, and he rubbed the inside of his palm with his thumb. He was lost, somewhere far away, where he didn't have to deal with any of the problems that his family was going through. (Y/N) was one of them. If even her brother's life would be better off without her, then she knew she had to get away.

(Y/N) enlisted in the army—it got her out of Gotham quickly, and it gave her an outlet to let out the pain from Jason's death. She didn't expect to be gone for so long, but then again, she didn't expect to go back to Gotham, either. Yet, there she was, sitting on a rickety train that bounced her up and down just to get back to the messy, broken home she left so many years ago.

She tried to keep up with Dick. She really did, but eventually, she couldn't handle it anymore. At first, she ignored Dick's letters, leaving them closed in their envelopes in her desk. After some months, when she realized she missed him, she finally opened all of his letters. They spoke of happenings with Alfred, Bruce, and him. He kept saying he missed her. He said they all did, but she knew that couldn't be true. If he missed her, then why did he never write? Did she even want him to?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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