[RQ] Replacement? - Part 3

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Sorry I'm pumping out chapters today, this storyline just has my heart.

When (Y/N) came to, she felt like an absolute wreck. Every bone in her body ached and while her mind was screaming at her to get the hell out of there, she simply couldn't do it. She lay silent for a few moments before she heard voices coming from a room past the door.

"You don't understand. I don't think you've ever understood."

It was faint, but she heard it—she heard her father's voice. That was just enough to give her strength; she pushed herself forward to the door and rested next to it, deciding not to open it when she heard Jason's voice.

"What? What, your moral code just won't allow for that? It's too 'hard' to cross that line?"

Her eyes widened as she realized what they were talking about: murder. When, if ever, it's justified, and when it isn't. She listened intently, wanting to hear her father's answer.

"No! God almighty, no. It'd be too damned easy. All I've ever wanted to do is kill him. A day doesn't go by when I don't think about subjecting him to every horrendous torture he's dealt out to others, and then...end him."

"Aw, so you do think about me!"

Now, this was interesting; there was a third voice. It was one she recognized, although she'd only heard it through the media and police reports. He was the Joker. So that must mean...

Her father really was Batman. Jason wasn't lying.

The ladder had already figured out (Y/N) truly wasn't a part of any of this after he knocked her out. Someone trained by Bruce would've been trained better, and most certainly wouldn't have allowed themselves to be knocked unconscious that easily.

No matter, the conversation went on. (Y/N) could hear the sadness and betrayal in her adoptive brother's voice; whatever he was put through as a young teen, he didn't deserve. Someone should've saved him. But through their words she learned that Batman wasn't quick enough. She would be learning that the hard way, too.

"You have to decide! Decide now! Do it! Him or me! Decide!"

The fight was getting bad, and (Y/N) knew without a doubt that Jason would become violent soon; it didn't take her too long to catch onto patterns such as that. She crossed her fingers that Bruce would be okay.

Suddenly, she heard a loud yelp from Jason and crazed laughter from the Joker.

"I can't believe you got him! You expert, rooting-tooting, eagle-eyed, goth-loving marksman! I love it.
You managed to find a way to win, and everybody still loses!"

There was a click in the other room, and (Y/N) heard another familiar sound from the media; the beeping of a ticking time bomb. She sucked in a breath of air anxiously, hoping Bruce could do something. Although, things didn't sound good. Joker was yelling about 'going out together' and a 'happy ending' with no words back from any other party. Fortunately, she heard the crack of a fist against skin and a grip on someone's shirt.

"B," she whispered, "Bruce."

The ticking became louder, and the girl knew her time was coming to an end. She pushed her herself against the wall, her back facing it, and leaned her head back. This was it.

The corner of her mouth lifted just slightly as she thought of her family and all the good times they had; sure, her life was spiraling down hill in her final moments, but she wanted to think of the good: her father, her brother, and her butler who was basically her grandfather. She remembered arriving at a Daddy-Daughter dance in fourth grade with Bruce, but leaving shortly after because neither of them were really the social type. They instead went to her favorite restaurant and bought everything they could fit into their stomachs. She remembered her walks with Dick, and how he taught her how to love and be loved without even knowing it. She'd never admit it, but she admired him greatly. Finally, there was Alfred. She remembered hanging out with him every afternoon, helping him put the dishes away and getting some of his expert advise.

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