Guns N' Roses (Everyone, DickBabs)

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Wanted a chapter that had the girls and Duke. Also, a fight scene! (There's DickBabs in this as well)

The Batman put a hand to his chin in thought as he shook his head lightly. He didn't want to put his kids in this much danger again, but it was their job, and he would need all the help he could get. With his ties cut from the Justice League, his kids were his last hope.

"I'm glad you all made it here," he said, turning around to face them, "We're going to need all hands on deck for this one."

The four boys who were always nearby nodded, but they also stood alongside Duke, Babs, Cass, and Steph.

"So, what's going on?" Batgirl asked.

Batman turned to Red Robin, "Tim?"


"Care to explain?" Batman smirked slightly. Red Robin returned it, then walked to the Batcomputer.

"The Joker has escaped Arkham Asylum once again."

He pulled up a few pictures as the Signal's eyes widened. Red Hood, noticing this, slapped him on the back.

"Don't worry, this happens all the time," he said smugly. The teen rubbed his back and hissed in pain.

"You really are the worst, huh?"

Red Robin cleared his throat and continued on, "His hiding place is this red dot right here on the map. We're gonna have to infiltrate it, but we have to be cautious. The Joker may be insane, but he's not stupid. He'll know we're coming and there's a very large possibility that he'll have goons waiting for our arrival," he turned around to face his family, "Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Babs will be on the front line. Steph and I will go in from the right, and Duke and Cass will go in from the left. Damian, since you're the smallest, you'll be going through the vents and strike from above. Everyone got that?"

A choruses of affirmative response came from the group, and Batman went to stand next to Red Robin.

"I hope you all understand how dangerous this mission is. Stay focused and alert no matter what. If anything goes wrong, we take shelter at the nearest safe house. Now, are we ready?"

"Yes," Batgirl stepped forward. She longed to annihilate the man who had put her out of the game for so long.

"Yeah," the teen next to Batman spoke as he walked up to Batgirl and fist bumped her.

"Now or never," Signal shrugged, joining them.

"Let's do this," the Spoiler said with a positive outlook.

"I'm always ready," Robin tutted.

"Ready," Orphan said simply.

"Well, that was pretty unanimous," Nightwing raised an eyebrow and stood with them. Realizing Red Hood hadn't said anything yet, he turned around and awaited the Hood's response. His family members followed suit.

Red Hood folded his arms in the tense silence. Finally, he sighed reluctantly and said, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Batman smirked, "Let's get going."

Thus, the fight scene unfolded. Finally at the Joker's hideout, Batgirl stealthily picked the lock of the door and motioned for the others to enter. Once inside, she noticed that her siblings had done the same. Robin waited silently in the vents.

Suddenly, the lights flashed on in the building that was once pitch black. It stung everyone's eyes, but they remained calm.

The Joker laughed from somewhere far away, "Well, well, well. If it isn't my best pals! Hello, Batsy."

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