Chapter seven Peter

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Chapter seven


Peter, who was sitting by the window, saw the man who had left him alone a few moments ago separate from a girl and the girl entered the café. Peter looked at the donuts and coffee he had ordered, ate some of the donuts, then gathered all his courage and opened that typed letter in his pocket. It was the third one he had received of this kind and it read: "Why have you become indifferent to the past? You must find out who and why destroyed your life"?

There was also a photo inside the pocket, a happy white and pink-faced old man with gray hair, beard, and mustache wearing chic clothes confidently.

While Peter was putting everything back into his pocket, he said to himself: "I'm indifferent because I want to end my life; because I'm tired of everything and nothing matters to me anymore." Then he picked up his coffee and left. 

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