Chapter Sixty Peter

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Chapter Sixty
     Peter was sitting in his room and staring at the package of letters that he had found in his old house and now was on his desk in his room. He was thinking about whether he should open another one of those horrible and hateful letters and read it. He had to gather all his energy for this task and then go to Mr. Moyes's house to hear the rest of the story because fortunately Scott Moyes had not changed his mind but he had set the meeting at his house again and this was strange because he wanted to meet outside at first but now he had changed his opinion.
Anyway, Peter slowly and reluctantly approached the desk and touched the package and then hesitated. It seemed that he regretted it but then he suddenly tore the envelope and started reading:
If you opened the second letter to read it, it means that I achieved my goal and provoked you to open this letter with hatred and anger and you want to understand the rest of the matter and this really makes me happy. I enjoy your sadness and anger and hatred. I am a madman and the reason for my hatred of you is not this madness. The reason is your family and more precisely your mother. I know your mother. Are you curious who I am? Your mother and I talked a lot but before I write anything about this matter, I write about my life. I was living my life, I was satisfied and happy with this life, I had a very good family, it is true that they were not my real family but I loved them as much as that. I had a normal and good life until a terrible incident happened to me that made me afraid of being in an open space until death from then on. If someone entered the safe space of my room, my heart would stop working and this is reality. Anyway, one afternoon as usual in my big room that was considered my territory; I was sitting when a woman's voice came that was laughing and saying: "It's ridiculous this habit made me get lost. Why is this house so big? Is anyone here?! I messed up. Why does this house have so many corridors and doors? I don't remember where I came from. My head was down."
At first the voice was far away then gradually got closer.
  I got up from my place and stood near the door and unconsciously said: "Can I help you?"
   She who was scared; said: "Did the sound come from the wall? But how is that possible?"
   "Don't be afraid this is a painting of a wall behind this, there is a door that I am talking to you from behind it."
   "Really? Fear of open space."
   "Yes. Now can I help you?"
   "Actually, I was invited here with my family, the owner of this house is my father's friend and I also walk while talking on my phone, without knowing where I am going, it's a ridiculous habit."
   "Look at your left side, go to the end of the corridor, go down the stairs, go to the corridor on the right side, hit the second door from the right side; there one of the servants will guide you to the living room, this house is like a maze."
   "You are guiding me despite your fear of open space?"
   "I didn't have any fear of open space from the beginning."
I remember every word we said to each other. This was the first time that I talked to your mother and it wasn't the last time either. This letter became very long so if you got curious open the next letter.
Peter looked at the clock and got ready to go out.
     Peter was walking on the sidewalk and while he wanted to go towards Mr. Moyes's house; he said to himself: "Today maybe I will understand all the story and be able to find my parents."
   Peter had to cross the pedestrian crossing when suddenly he was thrown on the hood of a car then fell on the asphalt and felt a pain in his body, he was motionless but until a few moments later he heard some loud and incomprehensible voices that said: "This must be Peter Miller himself; he must be alive, you idiot why did you hit him, I want him alive."
   The voice of another person came that said: "Calm down." Then took a deep breath and said: "Put him behind the car, we'll take him home, we have to take care of him."

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