CH. 030

450 30 16

Giselle H.

I begin hyperventilating on the other side of the call when Ralen said Jordan never made it home. It was so unlike Jordan to make plans and not tell anyone. All I knew was I had to take a seat and calm myself because the immediate worry and stress that begin to set in wasn't good for the baby.

"Giselle..... Giselle.. you still there?" Ralen asked as I looked at the phone which was on the floor.

"Y-Yeah.. I-I'm just worried, nervous... feeling a lot of emotions." I said after picking the phone off the floor.

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for his disappearance. It's 9 and if he was supposed to be coming back to D.C. he would've been here around 10 pm maybe later. His phone could've died. Just calm down and I'll let someone know what's going on." Ralen said.

"Y-yeah... I guess you're right." I responded letting out a sigh.

"Giselle, try to get some sleep and I'll be here figuring things out. Don't stress... somethings telling me that you stressing is not good." He explained.

"Ralen, I'm 2 months pregnant and quite frankly not knowing Jordan's whereabouts is freaking me out. We wanted to wait to tell more people, but Ray if we don't find Jordan I'm going to loose my mind." I revealed.

"Shittt... um... damn. Okay look I'm sure this is all a huge misunderstanding and isn't as sinister as we think, so just try to get some rest and like I said I'll be figuring things out on my end okay? I don't want you stressing and you're pregnant." He said.

"Okay, Ralen please find him, I know we were arguing and having a lot of disagreements, but I can't afford to lose him. I need him, our baby needs him." I said feeling myself getting emotional.

"I got you Giselle I promise I do." He said before we exchanged our goodnights and ended the call.

Immediately I called Imani to let her know what was going on and seeing if she could come over to my place tonight. Just so I can have someone here with me to calm my nerves. Without hesitation she told me she was on her way. The whole time I know Ralen said not to worry, but my gut was saying otherwise. I know my boyfriend and disappearing without a trace, explanation, or anything was very unlike him. Jordan's in trouble. I can feel it. I was going to do like Ralen said though; try to at least get a little sleep and not let my mind and gut ramp up my stress.

Jordan P.

I looked over at the clock in the room these two crazy bitches had me in; it was almost midnight. I was supposed to call Giselle over a few hours ago updating her on my whereabouts. In fact I was going to surprise her. I talked to my coach and he decided to give me a few more days to spend and enjoy the fact that I was about to be a father. When Giselle dropped me off at the airport the plan was for J2 to swing by and pick me up, letting me crash at his place for the night. I was to surprise Giselle the next day.

Unfortunately that plan isn't going into action because when I left out of the airport; I was looking at my phone letting J2 know I went through a private terminal entrance and where to pick me up. All of a sudden, I feel a tap on my shoulder as I turn I seen one of Wiggs bodyguards when we used to go out. Sheldon, cool dude never says much but can fight like hell. I greeted him and we talked for a while just catching up. He let me know that he was here picking up Mychal from a girls trip and that he could give me a ride to wherever I needed to go. I nodded my head in agreeance as I knew that J2 was probably having hell getting through traffic. Shooting J2 a quick message letting him know he no longer had to get me and that I'd just ride with Sheldon.

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