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Delusion, a fragment of illusion, a false belief or lapse of judgement. It can be harmful for a person who's not cerebrally competent, a person who relies on others in every aspect of their lives. So when their hope gets scattered into pieces, they are left with nothing.

But I think it is more dangerous for people like me, people who have never trusted a person in their lives. By not letting anyone in, I've built a fortress around me which is nearly impossible to penetrate. So when a forbidden feeling of utopia forces me to let that guard down, it can't be anything but lethal, dangerous, deadly.

History has witnessed, every great downfall always starts when you hope, when you trust the wrong person. I don't want to be that person. But everything doesn't happen how we plan, does it?

When the end is near, the line starts to blur. Suddenly, everything is not only black and white anymore, we start to see the grey, we start to see the rainbow.


Taehyung hasn't spoken a word since we woke up this morning. Now that I think about it, he didn't speak last night either. Steam evaporates from his freshly brewed black coffee, as he keeps typing in his phone.

A deep sigh escapes me and I take another sip. The Caffeis nearly empty at this hour, or it may be because we are sitting in the corner. Everyone seems to like the window, not my husband though. He insisted that we sit here.

"I have work, Jungkook.. I can't afford to waste my time listening to dumb people bicker." ... he said.

When I suggested that we have our morning coffee outside, I didn't expect this. I thought something had changed between us. My dumb heart thought that maybe we could talk, that maybe I could talk to him about why I want to be a part of papa's business.

But he was clear when he said he didn't want to talk. And I was defeated, once again!


"Aren't we going to the headquarters?" I ask, when he takes the turn to our home again.

"I'll drop you and then I'll go."

"What do you mean?"

"Surely, you can't be trusted there. You proved that yesterday."

I sit dumbfounded, as he drives me home. Tears gather in my eyes, cursing my ill fate.

"You can sort some files. I left it in our room. You won't be bored, I promise." he says with a stoic expression.

"Am I your errands boy now? "

He doesn't answer further. And I can't decipher his facial expression, that cocky Taehyung I knew is gone, he is a cruel beast now who doesn't care for me. The way the world knows him. But I wonder, what has changed? He wasn't like this with me. Or was he? And I imagined his softness. This is where I start to question my sanity.

TWISTED HEARTS ~ TAEKOOK (18+)Where stories live. Discover now