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My previous therapist once said that I may develop separation anxiety in future

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My previous therapist once said that I may develop separation anxiety in future. I cut his finger and made him lose his job for that. But now I'm thinking I should send him an apology letter. He was right after all. All it needed was the touch of the right person, my lovely husband!

In this short amount of time he's given me so much, high blood pressure, constant fear of losing him, him getting hurt and worst of all, him hating me.

Yesterday, he had a breakthrough with our captive, Flavio. I almost lost hope but somehow Jungkook did it. Later that night, watching the video footage of the cellar got me hooked up. Is this really my husband?

He looked so magnificent and alluring, bending Flavio's mind. His menacing smile of deceit got me hard. The way his eyes roamed all over his victim, measuring his face, studying his expression, the way his lips curved when he finally broke the man, I noticed everything. Every single move.

Flavio's been helpful since then. He provided us all of Russ's previous month's engagement and dealing details. And in return Jungkook provided him with his mother's video.

Our people cross checked a few of the data and it is all real. So, today we all are working on the coordinates of Russo's new meeting. With all necessary information we are trying to crack who he is meeting with. Because of the sensitivity of the situation, only some of my trusted men, Alex, Jimin and Jungkook are included in the mission. We've also decided to stay here, in my parent's house for the time being.

Right now everyone is gathered around the living room, working on their own computers.

Our best tech support is here, decrypting the pen drive Flavio had given us. Michel, a young recruit, is leading them and I'm very close to killing him.

Currently, he's sitting between Jungkook and Jimin, showing them some stupid geeky shits on his computer and they are giggling like little kids.

"Wow, Mickey. You're awesome. How did you change the temperature of the thermostat by using the game controller?" Jungkook asks, in awe.

"It's just I wrote the code for...."

Blah! Blah! Blah!

I can't even say that he's not working. He's been able to give us three possible locations in just one hour.

"Look at the fucker, boss" Alex hisses beside me.. "I wish we could pull his nails out one by one."

"Why can't we?" I grumble.

"Well then his hand will be useless and he can't work on a computer. And he's the best at what he does."

"That doesn't mean we can't scare him off a little bit. To get him off Jungkook's back."

"And Jimin's.." Alex adds. "Tonight?"

I nod.

"The graveyard?"

TWISTED HEARTS ~ TAEKOOK (18+)Where stories live. Discover now