Drunk (Sharky x Kenny)

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Kenny doesn't drink a lot. That's for sure. It's mostly because he has to train and being an alcoholic doesn't necessarily help him become stronger. Nor does the rest of the group even drink at all- Sharky, Aj, and Chunkz are too busy being the good citizens they are.

And Niko- well Niko just doesn't drink that often either.

But when Kenny does drink, even a small glass can get him tipsy. His endurance for that isn't the greatest.

So, today when he decided to play a game night with Beta Squad he didn't expect to be drinking half a bottle throughput the night.


Chunkz gathered everyone in a circle, "Okay everyone! Time for game night," he evilly laughed.

"Loser has to do a dare." Aj quickly said.

They all looked at Kenny.

"What? Oh my days, I'm not losing this time." Kenny pouted- he had to prove himself this time.

"Sure...sure Kenny," they all seemed to say.

Niko eagerly awaited, "Well, I get to pick first cause I won last Sunday right?"

"Oh my fucking gosh, Niko is such a try hard man!" Kenny complained, whether or not it was a Beta Squad video or just them hanging out- Niko always won, not only in games but in real life too.

"Okay then Kenny, I'll pick monopoly."

"Bet- I can win this."

But he didn't. At least he didn't get last though! Poor Aj- always the targeted victim.

"Shit!...ughhh..just give me the dare..."

Kenny rubbed his hands together, "Sooo who's gonna pick out his dare?"

"I got one!" Sharky swiftly said, "make a post on your YouTube and say you're going to quit."

"That's pretty easy not gonna lie Sharky.."

He shrugged, Aj quietly typed out a couple of sentences.

>im gonna quit yt guys this is includes beta squad. cya maybe, or never idk

"Meh- good enough." They all said.

However after that Kenny's losing streak began. And they all agreed that Kenny's punishment was to drink a glass of their alcohol. Every. single. time.


Kenny was hanging on by a single thread. He felt pretty sick- considering he had to basically down, by himself, half of a bottle.

It probably wasn't the best idea to make Kenny drink, considering this year, but Kenny insisted.

"I'm not a pussy!" He said.


Would they consider him drunk?


He was constantly telling the Beta Squad how much he really loved them. Not unusual- but an abnormal amount.

"Fucking hell-" Kenny could barely keep his head up, he was so dizzy.

"Kenny you okay?" Sharky was worried- Kenny was crumbling second by second.

Kenny whimpered, "I love you Sharky.."

"I think Kenny is confessing his true feelings to you," Chunkz snickered.

"...you should probably sleep Ken."

Kenny suddenly crawled into Sharky's lap. He opened up for a hug that Sharky happily accepted.

"..you reek of alcohol Ken.." Sharky whispered in his ear. He grumbled in response.

"Ay- you two, go get a room." Aj wasn't into watching that romantic stuff.

"Awh is poor Kenny tired?" Niko cooed in a baby voice.

"Oh fuck off Nikooo-," he stuck his middle finger out to everyone else, "I'm going to bed." His words were mostly slurred.

He got off Sharky and immediately fell trying to stand up.


He fell and ended up crawling trying to get upstairs, but Sharky decided to get up from the game and carry him, bridal style, to his room.

"I fucking love you Sharky. You know that right?"

"Yes Kenny....I love you too."

Kenny squeezed his eyes shut, and reached for a small kiss to Sharky. It was on the cheek, it should've been nothing special.

But people have always said drunk actions are sober thoughts.

Sharky was hoping that it was the truth.

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