REQUEST!- With Kenny's (Mostly Sharky x Kenny)

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Thank you for the request! ☺️💗

With Kenny's boxing match coming up, Kenny hasn't had enough time to fully enjoy food.

Well- at least that's what he said.

"Don't get mad at me..I'm not doing it on purpose....also I am eating, you just aren't seeing it!" He snapped back.

Kenny's stomach growled. He hadn't ate a proper meal since a week ago. He had let himself binge and now he felt ill with himself. He had all his candies and high calorie chips, it made him feel horrible.

He needed this- a punishment for his actions.

Kenny tried to justify why he felt like this. Truly. It hurt him more though.

'I don't want to weigh too much. There is a limit after all.'

He kept his thoughts to himself, the others would get angry. Angry would be an understatement- they would be furious- enraged?


Kenny rolled around in the middle of the night. This wasn't the first time- ever since he's starting his 'fasting,' he's been unable to sleep.

Maybe he was stupid but he didn't understand, he wasn't starving himself. He simply cut out most meals- replacing them with protein bars and healthy shakes. It was healthy.

So why did it hurt him? Why did it hurt so badly?

These actions weren't sudden, he had previously read many articles and messages about the benefits of cutting meals- to stop eating especially cutting out sugar and other 'unhealthy' foods.

Sugar was his favorite.

Apparently they allowed you to have more energy- be more efficient, active, fast, healthy.

Kenny had more outbursts of anxiety and anger. Kenny was fidgeting with himself more, unable to contain and control his emotions.

He definitely was grumpy, his joyful demeanor changed over the course of a week. Kenny was barely laughing- he was constantly fighting sleep during the day.

It was strange that he was tired in the day but not at night.

But just like every other sign, he ignored it.

As per usual he went to Beta Squad's studio.

"Kenny- your energy is off this video, are you okay?" was a sentence that kept repeating throughout editing process of shooting their videos.

Those words, "are you okay," aggravated Kenny. He had no reason to bad at it, in fact he appreciated it.

But it non-stop played every moment of his day.

Kenny grew to hate filming with the Beta Squad. It meant every moment he was expected to put some fake emotions and enthusiasm.

It exhausted him. It was mentally draining. He felt confused at everything.


Beta Squad! (BxB)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora