REQUEST!- Quality Time (Chunkz x Aj)

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Thank you for the request! 💓

Chunkz loves to observe Aj whenever- it doesn't matter if it's boring. It doesn't matter if he's sorting candy.

Chunkz thoroughly enjoyed time with Aj because as long as Aj was there, it was seen as quality time.

Aj was so perfect- funny, kind, sometimes soft- a whole small package.

After all, good things come in small packages, right?

They sat in the living room, Aj brought a bowl and a huge bag of gummies.

"So, what are you doing?" Chunkz tried to fill in the empty silence of Aj's focus and determination.

"What does it look like, you schmuck? Use your eyes genius."

"Wow I'm a genius? That's so kind of you!"

"That's... I was being sarcastic you fucking dumbass."

"Sure sure. I'm so happy the Aj Shabeel has finally given me a compliment."

Aj lifted his gaze at the big package of candy and he grumbled in defeat, "fuck you."

Chunkz had a look of a hopeless romantic.


Aj separated each candy in their own colored groups.

Chunkz closely watched, noticing Aj's hands got more shaky and hesitant, "...ay Aj that's segregation."


Chunkz snickered at Aj's flustered reaction.

"You fucking interrupted my flow." Aj grunted, "Shush."

"Whoops. Sorry Aj, act like I'm not here."



"Why are you still watching me? I'm just sorting the gummies out."

"Everything you do is interesting. I don't know.." Chunkz felt a wave of awkwardness wash over his body.

Chunkz felt Aj's beautiful eyes staring at him, Chunkz's eyes darted in different directions.

Why did he say that?

To his surprise, Aj gave the cutest giggle he had ever heard. Aj was thankful that blush wasn't evident on his face.

So Chunkz decided to continue, "You always have my full attention. You're so unpredictable sometimes. That keeps my attention."

"Is that suppose to be nice?" Aj scooped a handful of the red gummies, shoving them in his mouth.

He shrugged, "that's for you to decide Aj. But I do like you. A lot."

"Uh." Aj shifted his weight to one side and chewed the food in his mouth- finally swallowing seconds after, "thanks Chunkz. I also like you. A lot."

"Really?" Chunkz's voice was so hopeful and high pitched, it sounded pitiful.

"Really." Aj grabbed their hands and interlocked them together, "Even if you are weird and like staring at me."



They stared into each other's eyes for a bit.

Was this really the same feeling they were feeling for each other?

Was Aj getting his hopes up?

Aj let go of his slightly sweaty hands, resuming back to his candy duties. Niko walked in a couple seconds later and Aj couldn't be anymore grateful for his decision to let go.


"Hm?" He flicked his head back, swiftly noticing Chunkz with his face buried in his hands.

Niko continued, "want to go shopping? I have a video idea we could do together."

"Um... I'm sorting these gummies out, maybe later."

"Oh." Niko looked at Chunkz and Aj, glaring at the both of them. He mouthed the words, "is he okay? What did you do?"

Aj groaned, "Don't ask me."

"Well, okay then. I'll just take Sharky or Kenny with me."

"Okay. Get out."

"Damn. Yeah yeah, alright."

Aj left a hand on Chunkz's shoulder as an apology, "gather yourself together Chunkz.."

"Yeah, my bad man." His voice croaked.

Aj guided a candy to his mouth and fed him.


Chunkz just nodded, Aj wouldn't have known Chunkz to be the flustered one. He seemed so confident, he could get anyone.

"Keep talking. I like ur voice."

"I- um... that flavor was orange. I don't know what flavor gummy you like, but that's one of the flavors why I'm doing this right now." Aj used his hands to display a more couple brightly colored candies.

Chunkz regained his strength and voice, "I'll help you. If you don't mind of course."

"Sure!" Aj tilted his head endearingly.

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