REQUEST!- 'Nasty' Breath (Niko x Aj)

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Thank you for the request!🥹

If you went back 100,000 years, Aj and Niko would be together bickering as cavemen. If you went back 10 years, Aj and Niko would start the joke of 'bad breath.'

Ever since Niko could remember- ever since Niko found himself get closer to Aj, they always teased each other with their attributes.

"Long neck bastard."

"Triangle face schmuck."

"Lanky asshole."


It didn't matter how far it could or would get, it didn't change their relationship.

But now in the present, they have a reoccurring 'inside' joke.


"Hey Aj, do you wanna go out?"

"Sure, where to?" Aj said back.

Niko walked closer to him, "I haven't decided tha-"

"Yo- stay away from me. Your breath stinks." Aj snickered.

He didn't want to say it annoying, but it was. Niko hated that he started the joke. Especially because, someone, developed feelings for a certain short triangle-headed rat who is hilarious and always makes everyone around him smile or laugh- despite being shy.

Niko playfully shoved him, "shut uppp. That's all you say now."

"You getting angry? Pfttt...." 

"Okay okay, shut up Aj. Where do you want to eat dinner at?"

Aj frowned from the joke ended so abruptly, "erm, Nando's?- yeah Nando's, why not."

"Okay." Niko grumpily replied.

Aj got up from his chair. "You okay Nik?"

Niko stood up from the new nickname. He felt the blush arising from his cheeks. "Y-yeah."

Once Aj realized he was actually okay, he teased him some more, "yeah? You sure Nik? Your bad breath must've confused you for a second." He resumed playing the game on his phone.

It wasn't just annoying. It was starting to piss Niko off. Every second and moment Aj sees it makes Niko aggravated, he just continues more.

It's like he gets a kick out of aggravating Niko.

"Maybe it's just teasing!" Sharky shrugged his shoulders, "maybe he likes you." He said.

Niko had enough. It wasn't even that his breath actually stank. Niko started caring for himself the second he started YouTube. He ate mints and chewed gum!

There was no way Aj thought that his breath truly stank.

Niko started his day off like every other- brushing his teeth, quickly splashing his face, and making his bed.

He met Aj downstairs. He was going to risk it all- just not yet.

"Hey A-"

Aj shook his finger, "Nuh uh- did you brush your teeth? Cause damn, your breath.. is bad."

Niko groaned and rolled his eyes.

Aj smiled. "When are we leaving?"


"We're going to record a video- remember?"

"Huh? Oh yeahhh.."

For a second he thought his plan would have to be scheduled to another date- but he thought harder.

'If I'm really going to try to stop this. I need to commit.'
He thought.

After some long pondering- and a confused Aj snapping in front of his eyes, Niko came up with a plan.

"Earth to Niko? Hello? The fuck was that?"

"Sorry. Let's go now."

"Yeah? Someone's excited." Aj chuckled, he took off his hoodie with revealed a black shirt. It was a little big on him, but it made him cute nonetheless.


Niko usually drive them to the recording shoots. In return, Aj would provide the entertainment and music for the 15 minute drive.

The video was a mukbang, they sat right next to each other.

Aj constantly kept making jokes about Nikos supposedly 'bad breath.' Niko felt himself reveal another part of himself- another side the viewers didn't know.

This video would be horrible.

On the 10 minute mark, Aj said he had to use the restroom. He discreetly exited the screen. Niko followed him only moments after.

Niko didn't eat, purposely, for this. It was all going according to his plan.

In the car ride, Niko gave and encouraged Aj to drink a lot of water for his health.

"Yeah. I read an article and it said that you should drink half of your water weight." Niko slipped in during their conversation.

"Really?" Aj looked skeptical. He glanced at Niko suspiciously. "Wait- I'm looking this up."

Aj looked surprised, "you ain't lying. But that's a lot of water- a bit weird, innit?"

Nikki kept his hands on the steering wheel. "Sure is. But I'm not surprised you didn't know that... stupid."


Currently, Niko was outside of the bathroom- a hallway away. He listened to the water dripping from the sink. He listened as Aj hummed his favorite song.

Niko popped out from the wall. "Oh hey Aj."

"Funny meeting you here."

"Yeah..." Niko stared at his lips. "You wash your hands?"

Aj didn't like the way Niko was looking at him. "Duh! I'm not a dirty freak." It was as if he was a predator staring down his small prey.

Niko got closer. "What would you do if I kissed you?"

"Ayo! That's crazy." Aj glanced at Niko's lips. "Well, if I ever kissed you, which I never would- since your breath stin-"

Niko lunged forward pressing his lips onto Aj's. Aj's eyes went wide, 'how brave was this man?' Aj wasn't going to back down, in fact he enjoyed the bravery and courage Niko had.

Yeah, Aj used his mean humor to deflect any evidence of him liking Niko. He didn't know if Niko felt the same way, or if Niko even was aware of this happening.

Aj savored Niko's taste. A hint of mint and a hint of sweetness. It was delicious, in all honesty- as nasty as it sounded. Aj concluded one thing- Niko's breath didn't taste bad.

It wasn't like he thought his breath actually stunk half the time, but the amount of time he joked about it- he forgot how well-kept Niko was.

Aj fumbled with his shirt after they let go.

"You sure I have bad breath? I thought you would've let go immediately...?" Niko teased. He walked back the video, acting as if nothing had happened off camera.

Aj had no snarky comeback.


From that day forward, Aj couldn't bring himself to joke about Niko's breath. He couldn't even whisper the words, 'bad breath,' to Niko ever again.

Because, unfortunately, he was proven wrong.

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