Cold Hands, Hot Face (Niko x Kenny)

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Kenny isn't built for the cold. Well- nobody was when they came to the US.

None of them expected to be in a snow storm the day they came to New Hampshire for a new video.

"It's fucking cold!!" Kenny always complained to the others.

He was prone to having horrible reactions when he's sick- that's why he always liked staying in his warm house and wearing hoodies. Overall, UK wasn't much better either though.

The boys and the crew booked a hotel for a week and got ready to prepare filming.

They even got Filly to join them!

So Chunkz, Sharky, and Filly decided they would be sharing a room while Aj, Niko, and Kenny had to as well. Their staff had their own room.

After the first day of filming- they decided to explore the area. They met quite a few fans, especially fans of Chunkz, Niko, and Aj. They went out for a long time and now it was almost midnight.

They finally came back to the hotel. And along the corridor, Beta Squad raced to see who could make it into their shared rooms first.

Niko won.

"That long neck- long legged- big feet bastard."Aj said in defeat.

Kenny quickly followed into their hotel room, "I'm actually going to die here," he took a deep breath in and extended his arms out to get the warm air.

He took off his puffer jacket and pouted. He grabbed one of Niko's hoodies.

"I don't get how you guys don't seem affected.."

"We just aren't pussies like you Kenny," Aj smirked at his own words, "but yeah, I actually didn't expect it to be this bad."


Niko smiled, "Just don't get sick Kenny!"

Kenny sniffled and sat down on the couch. He pulled up the hood on top his durag. Then he pulled out his phone and took a picture along with the other two.


"Fucking hell. My fingers are freezing."

Aj decided to record a quick video for the curious fans. He stood near the narrow doorway to showcase the big room. There were big windows were at the back and Niko was seated at the couch to the left and Kenny was standing in front of the TV to the right.

He started recording, "Hey guys! Just wanted to make a little spoiler for the next video we have ready." He pointed his phone to the window of the hotel and showed the view.

"Oh- I'm also with Kenny and Niko right now.." he whispered, "look at those shmucks."

He pointed the phone to the both of them.

"What do you want me to do?" Niko laughed, he knew Kenny was just going to complain this whole week.

"I don't know! This week is going to be horrible! Just warm me up somehow darling-"


" want to warm your hands between my legs?"


Niko glanced at Kenny, looking him up and down. Then he licked his lips.


"I said you can warm your hands-"

"Nonono I-I heard what you said!" Kenny flushed, stuttering on his words.

"Yeah? It's just for warming your hands. What else are you thinking?"

Niko smirked, his tone of voice did indicate something else- but now he was the one suggesting Kenny was thinking dirty.

Oh how Niko loved watching Kenny crumble at his words.

"What the fuck..." Aj stopped recording, "..the hell you talking about Niko?"

Niko burst into laughter as Kenny blushed even more at the suggestion Niko made.

Niko's laugh echoed throughout the room.

"You got that on video?" Niko questioned- wiping the tears of laughter on his hoodie sleeve as he continued to chuckle.

" better delete that Aj!!" Kenny curled up and buried his face in his hands.

"Uh..huh..yeah sure..."

"Nooo, send me the vid-"

"Fuck you Niko!" Kenny groaned into his hands, they were still cold.

"Okay okay okay- but that offer still stands Ken."

Kenny looked up and saw Niko winking at him.

With a disgusted and a look of disbelief- Aj slowly walked backwards out of their room and knocked next door to Chunkz's, Shark's, and Filly's.

"..darling no," Kenny winced.

"C'mere Kenny. It'll work- trust me! I saw a video on YouTube about it."

Unsure, Kenny slowly walked up to Niko- who grabbed his hands and pulled him down in front of him.

'What an awkward position..' Kenny thought and blushed to himself. He was on his knees in front of Niko's legs.

Niko gently guided Kenny's fingers and arms to his thighs, Kenny was closing his eyes the whole time.

But he did feel the warmth from his legs, and slowly opened his eyes one by one.

"You look so cute when you're nervous and beneath me Kenny." Niko said- so casually while looking down at him.

"..." he blushed softly and looked away.

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