Look Me in the Eyes (Niko x Aj)

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Aj froze in fear, he couldn't control his body. He couldn't move around- he couldn't scream for help. His eyes were wide open. His chest hurt like someone was standing right on it.

His breathing quickened as he was running out of breath quickly and he looked around his room for assistance.

He felt as if his soul was outside of his body, unable to assist himself into full consciousness.

Aj wanted desperately to scream for help- he felt an odd presence of someone- something in his vision.

Aj felt tears stinging from his eyes- he opened his mouth.

Nothing. Not one bit of noise.

Aj reached for more breath. He couldn't lift up his arms or legs. His eyes darted to his lover. Aj mouthed,  'help me please!!'

But Niko was sound asleep.



Couple of minutes pass- it feels like days.

His skin crawled, feeling as if someone's eyes lingered on him.

He could've sworn he saw Niko's eyes become a black gape. His neck snapped.

That's when Aj finally got control over his body. He screamed the loudest and most horrific scream he's ever screamed.


Niko woke up startled, flinching up and putting his hands up for defense. Niko looked around.

Then he turned to his lover, who was hyperventilating.

Aj had tears pouring down, "f-fuck I didn't mean to wake you- I- I...you-" Aj grabbed his pillow and sobbed into it.

"What happened, honey?" Niko had never felt more awake, "w-why did you scream?"

"I don't know! I don't know! I- had one of those f-fucking sleep paralysis thing happen...I was fucking terrified-!" He gasped out, "Please please please don't let me sleep again." Aj looked up from his pillow, his eyes were red and his eyes looked panicked. He felt dazed.

His vision blurred and Niko sat up properly to comfort him.

"Look me in the eyes."


Aj's eyes couldn't focus on him as he examined every inch of their shared bedroom. The lights were dim and he was afraid of any danger.

Niko noticed his change in attitude, "I'll turn on the lights. I'm here with you- don't worry."

Aj shivered in the cold room. He pulled the blanket higher until it covered everything but his eyes.

"You're safe with me Aj."

"Ye-yeah. I know." Aj briefly closed his eyes and opened them, eyeing as Niko walked to the light switch.

The sudden bright light harshly lit in his tired eyes. He examined the clock, it was fucking 4:21.

"....I'm sorry Niko."


"For what?" Niko cocked his head to the left, sitting on Aj's side of the bed.

"For waking you up this early- I'm fine now I swear...! Let's- let's just go to sleep."

"No no it's my duty to make sure you're okay. We can talk about it later- but I need to know you are actually okay."

"..I love you so much." Aj squeaked out.

"Yeah I love you more..." Niko kissed his forehead.

They sat in a couple minutes of silence. Aj gathered his thoughts, "just..it's been occurring so much more commonly..."

"What has?"

"Nightmares...whatever those are called."

"Have you ever tried going to therapy?"

"..I'm too scared...to go by myself."

"I can go with you if that's what makes you feel safe- again I'm here to support you.."

"I'm not even going through a traumatic experience- I ever have..but ever since you came into my life- it's like I'm worried about every single thing I do.."

Aj quickly blurted out, "it's not your fault!"

Niko opened his mouth as if he was going to say something and then shut it. He paused for a moment before continuing, "..please- please don't stress about our relationship. I will never leave you. If anything- I would be okay if you needed a break from our relationship to heal yourself. But I believe that we can get through this together."

"You and I," Aj smiled at the obvious thought and care Niko had in him, "I will never leave you either. You're my true love. I believe I can get through absolutely anything if you're by my side."

"...we can talk more about this in the morning though." Aj continued. He closed his eyes.

Niko agreed- nodding his head.


Niko got up to turn off the lights to their bedroom. He scooted into his side of the bed, snuggling up with the blanket.

"You'll protect me though...right?" Aj opened his left eye to look at the silhouette of Niko's face.



"Yes. I promise." He locked hands with Aj.

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