Calm, Not Danger (Niko x Aj)

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Death is sacred, death is feared.

Not for Niko.

For some reason, ever since he was a little kid- he had always thought of death. Well, it wasn't really an obsession- but a fascination.

That's especially why Niko always was injured as a puny child. His skinny body was prone to easy injuries. He always tested his limits, 'how far could I go before I die?'

He would climb trees, test his limits with a rowdy dog, fall from high places, or hold his breath underwater.

Niko continued his shenanigans until he was told off by his mom. It didn't happen until he reached high school.

"Nikolas Daniel Adegbajumo Omilana! I'm done with having to pay for the random hospital trips! I'm done with people thinking I abuse my own son. So, sto- stop doing whatever you're doing!!" She scolded.

His full name call definitely spooked him. He wasn't necessarily a good kid, nor a bad- more like a prankster. Niko found the comfort of other's happiness and presence.

But out of everyone, he made sure to behave for his mother. He loved and respected his mom.

Overall, let's just say he was a curious kiddo.

As for Aj- Aj was more on the safer side. He never let his curiosity get the best of him. He wanted to live a full healthy life.

He was timid and always listened to what he was told- always doing the right thing. When he met Niko, he was slightly overwhelmed by his lack of care for himself.

Inviting him to go bungee jumping and whatever 'dangerous hazards' there were, that were nearby.

Aj had to decline the first couple invitations because the thought of accidental death or injury scared him too much.

Their relationship grew and so did Aj's newfound curiosity. 'His lost childhood,' he said.

Niko was proud of his growth.

He was surprised the older and shorter man wasn't a rebel. While they got closer, Aj still had his ominous look- an unlit flame.


"Hey Aj!"

"Hi. I don't want to go out today, sorry." Aj rubbed his eyes.

"Laziness, innit? That's fine! Let's stay. We can stay." Niko still had his warm smile.

"You could always go with someone else. I just want to sleep."

"Oh yeah, no I'll stay until you feel better."

Aj blushed, since when did he deserve a kind yet daring partner? Niko really did improve and change his life for the better.

"I love you so much babe.."

"I love you more."

These small breaks of love and silence.

Aj loved them. Calm days.

"Wanna cuddle?"

"Yes please!" Aj joyfully replied. They snuggled until they both fell asleep.


A couple weeks passed by.

"Aj! I saw a video on potholing. Can we go?"

"Uh, never heard of that. What is it?"

"Oh okay, so look," Niko brought his phone over and let Aj watch the video.

The narrator had a smooth and soothing soft spoken voice, "Potholing, also known as cave crawling for Americans, is an exploration of caves. These caves typically have dark long tight tunnels. And the method of travel is by hands and knees, thus being called 'cave crawling.'"

Aj looked up to see Niko's expression, he was very focused on the video.

The narrator continued, "You do not want to get lost or hurt in the caves because this is very dangerous. Getting lost or hurt may result in you being left alone and trapped behind rocks or other debris. If you have a phobia of closed spaces, dark spaces, dirt, the unknown, or possible even heights or water- it is not recommended for you. There have been some cases of death reported, I'll have them linked in the description below. Please travel safely!"

Aj nervously nodded his head and gulped, "..uh..this seems intense.. are you sure?"

"If you don't want to go.. that's fine. I just think it would be fun. But if you're uncomfortable, don't worry I'll just go with of the other guys. Just forget about it."

"No no, it's fine. Maybe it'll seem..more exciting when we get there."

"Are you sure Aj? I don't want to make you feel pressured.."

"Yes! I actually think it'll be fun. Maybe."

Niko grabbed his hand and kissed it, "I love you my short king." Niko pulled him close and tight. "Tell me if you don't want to go anytime. Or if you want to quit when we get there."

"I'll be fineeee!" Aj pouted, he insisted that he would be fine.

Niko must have read him better than Aj knew because once they arrived Aj already got sweaty from the sight. Niko looked behind him to see a scared Aj.

Niko knew Aj didn't want to be seen as weak so he ignored it at first, "are you ready Aj?"

Aj zoned out, "huh? Y-yeah.."

They both watched as the guard prepared the other people's utility and clothes.

"Aj. You know what, I don't think it'll be fun anymore. Let's return home."

"Huh? But- but you seemed so enthusiastic before..? If you're worried about me- please just don't be. Enjoy this! We drove out here anyways."

"No no. It's a pretty short drive, let's go to a park. That's more peaceful." Niko pulled Aj away. To be honest, A was so grateful they seemed to have been on the same page. However Aj knew that Niko was only doing it for Aj. He felt so guilty.

"I should stop doing these types of things anyways..." Niko whispered to himself.

" What was that Niko?"

"Nothing! Nothing."

They found a small park with lots of animals and a chilly breeze. It was sunny, but the breeze provided nice cold air.

"Ugh.. I fucking love you so much Nik.." Aj hugged him tightly as Aj remembered them cowardly walking out.

"I love you more than anything, anything Aj."

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