Dear Diary.. (Chunkz x Sharky)

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Dear diary,

     Today I went out with Chunkz. I absolutely adore him so much. Words just can't express it. And idk what I would do without him.

I'm so so so happy. I'm fucking glad we met. I'm so thankful to have him!!!!! ♡

I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him
I love him I love him I love him I love him Ilovehim                
My fingers fucking hurt now :(

★★★★☆ << rate my day!!

Journal entry #34-                            Sharmarke (Sharky)

Sharky closed his personal book, securing it away at his desk. It was a video online that said journaling your everyday experiences, conversations, thoughts, and feelings would help with your mental health. He talked to his therapist about it, she agreed.

"Yes! Absolutely Sharmarke! I know you aren't not mentally stable. This will help you express everything better!"

But Sharky just wanted to be able to reminisce about past memories.

His friends, food, places..,

And obsessed over and collected any picture of Chunkz he could grab with his grabby hands.

Was it creepy?


Sharky went to therapy. He told his therapist. His therapist said that 'it is very common for people in love to obtain any information and stalk their crushes.'

But Sharky doesn't have a crush on Chunkz.

As he said back to her, "what? Love? He's my friend. I don't love my friend. That would be weird..."

"Sharmarke, I understand that it may feel weird to say you love him romantically. After all you have been friends for many years. But the first step to overcoming anything- is to understand your feelings." She grabbed his hands to hers.

Sharky made a face of disgust, "listen..I really do think you got it wrong. Just because I can talk about him for years- or just because my feelings toward him are stronger than others doesn't mean I like-like him."

She paused to write something down on her clipboard, "...mhm alright Sharmarke.." she nodded her head understandingly.

"Oh and please, just call me Sharky or Sharks."

"Okay then Sharky, your session time is almost over. I'll see you next week, same time? We'll discuss more about this..later." She gave a solemn smile, "I'm sorry to have cut you off on such a short notice."

"No problem at all. Thank you Mrs. Zariah."

"Bye Sharmar- Sharky!"

Sharky went into his car, and thought about what she had said.

'Feelings..? For Chunkz..?'

'Mrs. Zariah normally has a good understanding of me- but today she's just awfully wrong.."

Sharky shrugged it off, blasting his playlist in his car while driving off.



Dear diary,

Zariah told me about something weird today. She said that I act like I have feelings for Chunkz. Romantic feelings. I know she has to be wrong.

Plus I don't even think Chunkz reciprocates those kind of emotions. :,)

Well anyways, I miss Chunkz (even though I went to his house 5 minutes ago). I want to see him.

I don't know what to write honestly. Today was kind of boring.

★★★☆☆ << rate my day!!

Journal entry #35-                            Sharmarke (Sharky)

Sharky was about to lock his diary when he stopped to flip his pages back to a scrapbook of all his Chunkz pictures.

He suddenly had a realization. He needed to quickly write this down.

Dear diary,

Omds I just fucking realized. I like Chunkz. Not just like him. I fucking love him. What the fuck.

★☆☆☆☆ << rate my day

Journal entry #36-                            Sharmarke (Sharky)

Sharky held back tears. This wasn't how his life was supposed to go. A few tears dripped onto his journal paper.

Sharky wanted to hide in the corner of a dark room, never to be seen or heard of again. He wanted to tear the pages out, burn his whole book.

But Mrs. Zariah wouldn't like that, and he wouldn't either.

He would regret it sooner or later.


But his mind raced with the endless possibilities and outcomes with this new realization.

What would the others think if they knew he loved- loved and absolutely adored everything about someone, very close to them?


What would they think if they knew it was Chunkz?

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